Spotting Media Bias
The media has a strong influence on the public as well as government.  We therefore expect our media to be fair and accurate.
Occassionally we see a news story that upsets us.  We know that the article is incorrect but we find it hard to explain why.  This guide is designed to help you identify media bias so that you can do something about it.
Below is a hyperlinked list of areas to look for to help you identify media bias.

Major areas of Media Distortion to look for  are:

*Selective sourcing / Selective omission  and *Imbalanced reporting
*Double standards   *Stereotyping
*Unchallenged assumptions
*Distortion of facts/ Using fact to draw false conclusions
*Loaded language/ Misleading definitions & terminlogy
*Lack of context
*Opinion disguised as news
*Mismatching headlines and stories
*Placing of the article/ Prominence or lack of given to the story
*Visual Bias
*Turnspeak/ Turnphrase
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