What You Will Not Find Here Not

I don't want to waste your time. If you are looking for a grammar handbook, a writer-ring for young authors, or instructions on how to get published, you won't find them here.

I can help you find some, though.

Elfwood is a huge ring for fantasy writers of all ages. We're talking hundreds, maybe thousands of writers from all over the world. If you comment on others'stories, you'll soon have people reading yours. I particularly recommend

E Hanna's site

Muffin Girl's site

Lady General Emily Purington's site

and Panu Karjalainen's site.

If you are looking for a grammar handbook, I strongly recommend buying one. I'll try to find a good grammar website soon, though.

If you want to get published, read Stephen King's On Writing. The man tells it like it is. This is a site which lists good web'zines you can submit to. Also, Theresa is the managing editor for the Puget Sound Papers, and you can email submissions to her if you ask politely.

