The taste of training

Every dog benefits from obedience training. Some breeds take more effort than others, but ALL dogs can learn the six basic commands  heel, sit, stay, down, come and no. The American Kennel Club publishes a brochure to help owners find the training program that is right for you and your dog. It includes a geographical listing of obedience and dog training clubs and information on AKC's Canine Good Citizen Program. To receive a copy contact AKC Customer Service at (919 - 233 - 9767.


1. Buy a Crate and during the first few weeks keep your puppy in it whenever you are not playing, holding or watching him explore his new surroundings. Spend as much time as you can with your pet, but when you can't watch him, crating him can prevent mistakes. In addition to providing safe, secure refuge for your dogs needs and wants, crates are critical to house training. Dogs are naturally inclined to not soil their bed. The most important thing about house training dogs, is they can learn to control their urge to eliminate until the proper time and situation.

2. Establish a schedule and don't deviate from it. The "when" and "how" you house train must to be consistent. Make sure all family members follow the same guidelines. Many new owners confuse their pups by using different words for the same command. In the housebreaking process, it is a good idea to use the same word like "outside" each time you take the puppy outside to eliminate. Consistent use of a word with an activity will help build a level of communication between you and your pup.

3. Be patient! When training your new puppy you must be patient. When teaching him to go outside or a learn new trick, repetition is the key. Repeat the words and actions over and over. It might take him many tries to learn the command, soon he will learn what is expected of him .

4. Praise them for their success when the job is done. Don't over do it. A pat on the shoulders will do the trick. In a dog's language, that means more than constant rubbing across the head or repeating "good dog!" Some people prefer to use a consistent phrase when the pup eliminates such as "do your stuff!" The pup soon learns this is a his signal to eliminate.

5. Don't mix business with pleasure.

6. You are the key to house training. During the first two to three weeks spend as much time as possible with you puppy. Be consistent and patient, praise when appropriate, and be willing to invest the time and energy necessary to make house training a success. The effort you put forth now will be well worth it for the lifetime of your pet.

7. Establishing a schedule is important. Dogs are creatures of habit; they like to eat, sleep, and relieve themselves on a regular schedule. Establishing and maintaining a schedule is easy to do and gets easier as your puppy grows. Pay attention to your dog's behavior so you can develop a schedule that works for both of you. Look at your schedule and determine what compromises need to be made to make this workable for everyone. If you catch your puppy in the act of having an accident, tell him "NO!", forcefully pick him up, and take him outside. Communication and understanding between you and your pet is important.


Satisfy your puppy's natural urge to chew by providing them with plenty of safe toys, rawhide treats, and consider using a crate for confinement when

necessary. Always remember to puppy proof your home. Electrical cords, sharp objects, garbage pails, toys with small parts, and plastic bags all are potential hazards. Also insecticides,  household cleaners, and antifreeze, which tastes sweet can be deadly to your new pet. If you suspect your dog has been poisoned, the first thing you should do is call a veterinarian for advice. Include the local poison control center and/or the National Animal Poison Center (900 - 680-0000) in your directory of emergency phone numbers.