Robert Hurlburt
Robert Hurlburt, from Claremont, New Hampshire, encountered something strange while hiking with his dog into the Green Mountains of Vermont in July of 1971.  Mr. Hurlburt stated the following: "On our fourth day out, we came across a young man sitting beside a stream. It seemed to me unusual to find him in such a desolate area, as I noted that he had no backpack or provisions.  He appeared to be in his mid-twenties, with straight, collar-length brown hair, rather slender, and slightly over six feet tall.  He looked up as we approached and said 'good day' in what sounded like a British accent.  Misty ran over to him readily, her tail wagging in greeting, which was unusual behavior for her, as she tended to be wary of strangers; but her enthusiasm led me to think this person was OK.
"I sat down beside him and asked if he had a campsite nearby, to which he replied that he didn't.  I became suspicious at this remark, as we were thirty miles from the nearest town.  I asked how long he had been in the area, to which he replied three days.  I asked myself, 'What the hell has he been eating in the past three days, pinecones?'  My next reaction was that he might be an escapee from Waterbury Asylum thirty miles away.  He noticed the .44 magnum revolver at my hip and inquired why I was carrying a gun.  I told him that since being attacked by bears in Alaska two years prior, I now carried a gun when hiking in deep woods.  This explanation seemed to relax him, but not me.  Thinking that I was in the middle of nowhere with some nut from the funny farm, I gathered my gear and headed back toward the trail.  As I was walking away he called after me and asked if he might walk with me for a ways.  Reluctantly, I agreed.
"That day we walked sixteen miles, mostly uphill.  I was sweating and out of breath, and decided to make camp for the night. I noted that my companion wasn't even affected by our long, arduous hike, which led me to believe that he was in better physical condition than he appeared to be.  As dusk was approaching, I pitched my tent and gathered some wood for a fire.  My companion merely squatted nearby on the ground, gently scratching Misty behind the ear.  He had told me earlier that his name was John.  I cooked us up a meal from my provisions, and brought out a bottle of wine, pouring us each a paper cups full, and then several more.  I became rather giddy and rambled on about myself.  He didn't seem in the least effected by the wine.  Except for admitting that he lived in England for a time, he seemed reluctant to talk about himself, so we fell into silence after awhile.
        "He noticed me gazing up at the stars and moon and asked if I thought there were other beings on some of those planets.  I stated that I believed there were many civilizations on other planets, and that I thought those people had been visiting earth for centuries.  He said, 'Would you believe me if I told you that I was from one of those planets?'  That remark definitely blew it as far as I was concerned.  My suspicions about him returned.  I thought, 'This guy really is some nut that's escaped from an asylum.  Maybe he's going to kill me.'
        "I figured that it was best to try humoring him, so I asked which one he was from.  He said you can't see it from here because it's so far away from earth.  At my 'Oh, yeah' reply he said, 'You don't believe me, do you?'  I said I didn't and he replied, 'What if I showed you some proof that I am?'  I asked to see proof, and he dug into his pocket and produced a whitish-colored stone about two and a half inches in length, somewhat oval in shape.  It looked like a piece of quartz to me, so I asked, 'What's that?'  He said, 'It's a communication disc that I use to keep in contact with my people.'  I tell you I was getting paranoid listening to that crazy kind of talk.  I asked him how it worked and he said, 'It draws power from the life source of your body and directs it in a beam back to my planet.'  I asked what he meant by life source, and he said, 'This disc absorbs the energy emitted from your body and then transmits this energy in a beam similar to radio waves.'
"I was getting more scared of this character by the minute.  I asked if I could see the stone and he handed it to me.  It seemed warm to the touch and I got a tingling sensation that ran up my arm into my head, like a chill, except warm.  I held it up to the firelight but could not see through it, nor did it have any identifiable markings.  It was just smooth and warm.
John went on to tell me about this planet that he claimed to be from: that it was a warm, temperate planet with abundant flora and fauna; the atmosphere had a thick cloud cover and consisted of a high quantity of nitrogen, with oxygen and traces of other gases, some of them familiar to earth, some not.  He stated that this planet had two moons and traveled in an elliptical orbit around it's sun; and he told me its name, but I can neither pronounce nor write it.  
He said that it was slightly larger than earth, had two polar caps, and a total population of around 500,000,000; that population control was strictly adhered to, meaning reproduction was not a haphazard occurrence; that there were seventy major centers of population; that there was no pollution or disease; [the inhabitants had] a life expectancy of 160 years; that a central committee of seventy representatives controlled the government and each member was elected by one of the seventy major cities by electoral vote of the populace; that there was no crime or famine, and everyone worked in unity to assist one another.  
The primary concerns of the people were scientific achievement, research and study of alien cultures, and bringing peace to all cultures.  They had begun space exploration over twenty centuries ago.  Their space vehicles varied in size and shape and were capable of speeds exceeding the speed of light, and were powered by drawing energy directly from the sun.  He stated that his culture had been sent to earth to study us and someday to share its technology with us, but as yet we were not prepared to handle such power.  He referred to us as infantile.
          "I sat listening to all of this in a semi-hypnotic state.  I was over-whelmed by all that he'd said and was even beginning to believe him.  He continued talking, all the while holding the disc between thumb and index finger, and stated that he was only permitted to tell me certain things; that when he had told me enough the disc would warn him by blinking on and off three times.  And sure enough, that disc distinctly blinked on and off three times.  It surprised the hell out of me.
          "I slept soundly that night and awakened at the break of dawn.  My companion was gone!  There was no sign of him anywhere, almost as if he'd never really been there.  I cut my hiking trip short and returned home."
Eduard (Billy) Meier
Lt. Colonel Wendelle Stevens, U.S. Air Force retired, described the Eduard (Billy) Meier case as follows: "One of the most convincing UFO cases of all time began in January of 1975, in Switzerland.  The experience began, with a U.F.O. abduction case.  A Swiss farmer was taken aboard a spacecraft, articulated words with the occupants and began an exchange of information that has continued on and is going on today.  Still going on today.
"The spacecraft flew out of the blue and landed. The occupant got out and stood on the grass and sat on the grass and talked with the man and had an exchange that lasted twenty minutes.  And, there have been 116 contacts since then.  The case involved a Mr. Billy Meier.  In response to his questions, they said that they come from the Pleiades.  They said that they are here observing humanity.  They have information.  Some of the information is of a scientific nature. He was asked to pass it to other people.  They are not Gods.  They are not superior people.  They are men just like we are men.
"He has taken hundreds of photographs of the Pleiadian space craft in Swiss air space.  And, this has all been checked with a computer and the computer says that this object is on the order of about 20 feet in diameter and about 120 yards away.  It agrees with what the witness said about the diameter.  He said it was seven meters in diameter or about 21 feet.
"He took messages.  He copied notes from the Pleiadians and wrote them down, over 2,000 pages worth.  Here is a book of 600 page that I had translated into English so far and this only represents  One-fourth, one fourth of the notes.  We have no case on record where that volume of information delivered by extra-terrestrial contacts to a contactee.  And, the information in there is just staggering, just phenomenal.
"The  information covers  technical and  scientific data,  as best as they can explain it to us,  in terms of the words that we use in  our  technology.  It  gets  into  spiritual  problems,  spiritual development of man and our  relationship to deity. It describes other existences  in space,  other human  beings living  on other planets.
"They're here because they are concerned about us, their younger brothers.  Our technical potentials have exceeded our spiritual capability to handling the information. And, we are now in the position where we can destroy ourselves and we don't have the spiritual development to prevent it.  And, because of this, we have become a laboratory experiment.  They are waiting to see what we are going to do.
"As a matter of fact, they don't see us solving the problem.  They see us as an insane society rushing headlong into destruction.  And, that only a change of mass mind on a mass scale can influence it.  And, they don't see this happening. And, that's staggering because it's us that is involved."
J.Z. Knight
In 1977, a multidimensional being appeared before a dentist's wife in Tacoma, Washington, by the name of J.Z. Knight.  She related the following description regarding her experience: "This being appeared in my kitchen and told me some wonderful things.  My husband, who was sitting there, never saw him.  But, the compass that was sitting on the table started spinning like a propeller and he could hear it humming.  He saw a heat wave coming up from the kitchen floor.  He knew there was something going on, because I slipped into another place where I had a wonderful communication.
"Seeing is believing to me.  I saw.  But, I have people in my life that didn't see.  Who should I believe?  Those who didn't see or what I did see?    Those who couldn't feel what I was washed in, and illuminated in, and bathed in?  For some reason, I got to see.  And, since 1977, Ramtha tutored me for about two years.  My family saw incredible, miraculous things.  My oldest son had a miraculous healing from this entity.  That was probably the turning point in my life and commitment to this work.
"Well, I was a dentist's wife and we were supposed to act like social creatures.  I had this whole phenomenon exploding in my house  and the retired IRS agent that lived across the street couldn't know anything.  This being was in my life and followed me to Nordstrom's and to Safeway.    He taught me to not judge people and to find the God in people and the beauty in them.  You can not imagine how hard that was.  You don't know how hard it is until you're asked to start looking.  And, you look in really stinky places.
"Ram, taught me for two years, that God is not a single being, but was everyone.  And, that the force of nature was the platform in which we, as Gods,  dream the dreams of evolution.  And that God, as man, was fully realized when he made such leaps of faith so as to dream dreams  and  to  create  them  in  the physical world.  That was my teaching for two long years.
          "And then, Ram said to me one day, 'We're going to start this work'.  I said, 'What work?'.   Well,  he showed me the future where people were sitting around and the Ram overlaid on my body so that my body could be used as an  instrument for him to teach through.
"There have been people who have left this school saying that it's just J.Z. Knight pretending.  Pretending?  But, what is sort of sad about this is that all of the knowledge, in the final analysis, that healed my son and many other people in this school, and have taught people to be lofty and grand and God like,  was dismissed because they thought it was just me.  What a tragedy."
Betty and Barney Hill
Perhaps the best known abduction of all, and one of the earliest reported, is the abduction of a well-respected New England couple, Betty and Barney Hill.  Barney Hill died in February of 1969, eight years after his UFO experience on September 20th, 1961. Their experience has been described in a book, "The Interrupted Journey" and a movie, "The U.F.O. incident".  Betty and Barney Hill were driving along a deserted road, at 2:00 in the morning, on their way to their Hew Hampshire home from Montreal.
Betty Hill stated, "Suddenly, we began seeing a strange light in the sky, which was maneuvering in a very erratic pattern.  This light began flying along beside us for about thirty miles until we came to an area known as Indian Head.  And at that place, this light left the top of the mountain, came out over the highway and stopped in mid air directly in front of us.
"Barney jumped out of the car with the binoculars in an attempt to identify this craft because we knew nothing about UFOs at the time.  Barney walked towards it, looking up at it through the binoculars.  And, he could see a red light on each side and figures standing behind a double row of windows.  He panicked and he ran back to the car saying they planned to capture us and we had to get out of there.  And, we went speeding down the highway.  We heard beeping sounds and the car vibrated.
"When we arrived home, we had many puzzles.  The tops of Barney's shoes were scuffed.  Our watches had stopped functioning.  There were highly polished spots on the top of the car.  But, the biggest mystery of all was that it had taken us seven hours to drive 190 miles."  The Hills reported their sighting of a UFO to nearby Pedes Air Force Base.  For fear of ridicule, they left out their observation of alien beings.
During the next two years, Betty Hill was haunted  with  nightmares and Barney developed a debilitating ulcer.  Fearing that the nightmares and ulcers were rooted in the two hours of lost time, they sought the help of Dr. Benjamin Simon, a psychiatrist and expert in regressive hypnosis.  Dr. Simon conducted weekly hypnosis sessions with each of the Hills separately and he would induce amnesia in each of the Hills so they couldn't discuss or exchange information about what they had remembered.  After three months, a clear picture of their abduction emerged and Barney's ulcer had been cured.  At that point, Dr. Simon played for them a composite tape of all of the sessions and the Hills found out the truth about the two missing hours.
Betty states, "It was at this point the beings that had been on the craft were now standing in the middle of the road, a dirt road, blocking our way.  The car motor stalled.  They separated, came up on each side, and took us out of the car.  And, at that point, I realized that they undoubtedly planned to take us onboard.  And, that even increased my fears so that actually, by the time we arrived at the craft, I was fighting.  I was in a panic.  They just held me.
"I was taken into the first room, Barney into the second room where the leader, as I called him, gave us testing.  There were eleven beings and, for purposes of identification, I called one the leader because he seemed to be in charge of the project doing this testing.  He was the only one who spoke English.  Then there was the examiner who did the testing.  And then, there were nine others who we called the crewmembers.  They stayed outside the rooms in the corridor.
"Our examinations were very much similar in that with both Barney and me, they checked our eyes, ears, nose, and throat.  They took samples of our hair, finger nails, and they scraped our skin.  With me, they touched my body with little points on wires.  They said they were checking my nervous system.  And then, they attempted to insert a needle like instrument in my navel.  I objected that it would hurt and he said that it shouldn't hurt.  When he did this, it caused a great deal of pain.  He said that it was a pregnancy test and I said that it was no pregnancy test here.
"At this point, the examiner came running back into the room and opened my mouth and started tugging at my teeth.  I said to the leader, 'What is he doing?'.  And, he said, 'We are very, very puzzled.  Why are Barney's teeth removable and yours are not?'."
After Mrs. Hill's examination by the aliens had been completed, she had an opportunity to speak with the leader of the aliens.  Mrs. Hill states, "When I asked the leader where he was from, I said that I know that they were not from this planet, and this is when I saw the star map.  It looked almost like I was looking out a window.  It had dimension to it.  It was about three or four feet long and about two feet high.  There were all these balls of light in it.
"The leader explained to me that the heavy lines were places that they dealt all of the time or frequently.  The broken lines were expeditions.  He asked me if I knew where I was on the map and I told him no.  That I knew nothing about astronomy.  And so, he said that if I didn't know where I was on the map, there was no point in trying to explain it to me.  I just didn't have the necessary knowledge."  Betty drew the map that she had seen onboard the spacecraft and it appeared in her book.  The fifteen-point match achieved by Marjorie Fish of the Betty Hill star map is unique and goes far beyond the laws of chance.
Mrs. Hill continued, "At that point, we left the craft and went back to the car and we stood there by the car and we watched the craft leave.  We saw it being surrounded by a fiery, revolving mass of some kind.  We could see the UFO in the middle of this.  And, it lifted up, dipped down, went right straight up, and was gone.  I received a copy of the radar report from Pedes Air Force base where they had tracked an unidentified craft at 2:14 AM, just about the time we estimate that the UFO left. We went back to the spot where we were captured.  It was not a fantasy.  It was a real experience and I believe that I have enough evidence to establish that.
"I think that for a long, long time, I had the feeling that I had sort of lived through a tragedy in some way.  And sometimes, even now I still have this feeling.  Because it is something that is always haunting.  It's something that is always on my mind.  No matter where I go or what I do.  Because I do live a very active life and I have many, many interests.  But always, that's on the back of my mind.  It's the last thing that I think of when I go to bed at night and it's the first thing that I think of in the morning when I wake up.  And, I expect that it will be that way for the rest of my life."
Travis Walton
An incident took place in the Sitgraves National Forest of Arizona where a young Woodcutter named Travis Walton was abducted by a UFO.  The UFO was witnessed by six of his fellow workers.  Mr. Walton described the incident as follows, "There were seven of us on the way home from work.  We were riding down a dirt road in a pickup and we saw an object hovering off to the side of the road.  It was a glowing, disk shaped object about ninety feet away.  I got out of the truck to get closer.  I wanted to get a closer look at it."
Another witness, Mike Rogers, stated, "It was hovering, I'd say about 15 or 20 feet off the ground.  I realized for the first time what he was doing and I realized that it was dangerous.  I yelled at him and I told him, 'get the hell away from there'".
Travis said, "I expected it to fly away when I got closer.  But instead, when I got up there, it started to move and make a loud sound which scared me.  I raised up and turned to go.  I felt a numbing shock and lost consciousness.  And, that was the last that I knew until I woke up aboard their craft."
Mike Rogers then related, "And then, all of a sudden, the object apparently blasted him with some sort of ray or bolt of light.  When I saw this bright, blinding light I turned back just in time to see Travis flying back through the air.  He hit the ground about 10 feet or so from where he had been standing.  At that point, with the blast that the saucer had given him, it was such an incredible thing.  It was just unbelievable.  I was, in an instant, panicked.  The guys behind me said, 'Get the hell out of here'.  So, I hit the gas and we took off down the road."
Mike Rogers, and the other five witnesses, returned only to find Travis Walton missing.  After they told their astounding story to police, they came under suspicion of murder.  An intense search for Travis Walton proceeded for three days, using a large posse, dogs, and a helicopter.  They were unable to find him or any signs of where he was.  Finally, it was suggested that the six witnesses take a polygraph test to prove the truth or fallacy of their story.  The examiner wrote in his report that they had told the truth.  That apparently, there had been a UFO.
         Travis Walton stated, "When I regained consciousness, I was laying on my back.  I came to slowly.  I was in alot of pain in my head and chest area.  At first, I thought I was in a hospital.  But, when I could finally see, I saw these being standing over me.  And, I just became hysterical.  They were about five feet tall.  They had no hair.  No eyelashes or eyebrows.  They had very large heads, very large eyes.  The rest of their features; nose, mouth, and ears were small.  They were very white looking.
"I knocked them away from me and jumped off the table there.  And, they started to come toward me. I grabbed an object off of the bench there and threatened them.  They stopped and turned around an  left the room.  I was afraid that they'd come back so I left there.  And, looking for a way out, I went into another room where there was a chair.  There was some kind of projection or viewing thing in this room where you could see a map of the stars.
        "A man came in, while I was trying to find a way out there.  This was a human looking person. They'd pass in a crowd, this individual on Earth.  He was bigger than me, taller, and more muscular.  A very large individual.  I went up and tried to talk with this guy and he didn't answer me.  He led me outside of this craft that I was in which was apparently parked inside of a large room or building or larger craft.  And, led me into another room where some other beings like himself, put me unconscious.
"When I regained consciousness, I found myself lying on the roadway.  I saw a craft hovering there that just sat there for a moment and just shot straight up.  That was the last that I've seen of them.  I ran down into the town there and called my family.  They came and got me. One of the biggest shocks that I had to deal with when I returned was finding out that this brief period of time had somehow taken over five days.  When I found out that I had been gone for that long, it just blew me away.  My brother told me about it and  I was stunned.  As far as I knew, it was the same night.
"The thing that bothered me most about the whole experience where those eyes.  When they looked at me, it seemed like they were looking straight through me.  You just can't understand how it would be if you were right there."  After his return, Travis Walton also passed a polygraph test, verifying the truth of his UFO experience.