Many abductees have revealed corroborated accounts of being taken by aliens to laboratory complexes that are deep underground.  The fact is, there are many such alien bases located around the world. It has been estimated that there are over 20,000 aliens who are living and working in underground bases.  Many of these facilities are jointly used by aliens and humans.
With the assistance of abductees and researchers, we have come up with locations for tunnels, entrances, and base areas.  Many of the bases appear to be run by entities, non-human or otherwise, that are totalitarian, domination-based, military and elitist in nature.
Although there are scores of underground bases of various descriptions, there are two major installations which seem to be mentioned quite frequently: Dulce, New Mexico and Groom Lake, Nevada.  Data about these locations generally seems to apply to other underground installations, planet wide.  Please refer to to the diagram below for a map of Underground Bases and Tunnels in the Southwestern Umited States.
Perhaps the most widely referenced area that allegedly has a base is 2.5 miles northwest of the town of Dulce, New Mexico.  The area is normally referred to by researchers and abductees alike as DULCE.  The base lies under a kilometer of rock South of Dulce.
              What we do know is that the upper levels were built after the lower levels - or onto the lower levels.  In other words, a U.S. base was built on top of a pre-existing alien base.  This is not the only location where this phenomena has taken place.  There are indications that there are situations like this up at the Nevada Test Site and elsewhere.  Deep sections of the complex are connected to natural cavern systems.
              We know that the base consists of a many-leveled cylinder with tunnels radiating out in several directions.  There are at least 7 levels.  We know (through personnel who have worked there) that the first two or three levels are primarily for U.S. government personnel.  The facility is a state of the art cryogenics facility and laboratory.
Research at the 4th level includes research on the human aura, research on telepathy, dreams and hypnosis - all geared toward control and manipulation of other beings.  Technology is at a state where they can manipulate the bioplasmic body of humans and program them through introduction of programmed reactions and images which will induce the desired result - completely control them.  They can remove an individual's consciousness and replace it with another consciousness - either synthetic or alien.
              We know that level 5 has alien quarters there; level 6 is a genetics laboratory using alien technology.  It has been referred to as "nightmare hall" by employees.  Many-limbed humans and other creations reminiscent of stories of Atlantean experimentation reside there.  It is an attempt to breed slave beings suited for specific tasks.
             There are multi-legged humans who look like half human and half octopus. There are also furry creatures that have hands like a human, cries like a baby, and mimics human words. There are huge mixtures of lizard humans in cages.  There are birds, fish, seals, and mice that can barely be considered those species. And, there are several cages of winged humanoids that are bat like creatures that are three and a half to seven feet tall.
              Level 7 is worse.  There is row after row of thousands of humans and human mixtures in cold storage.  Here too are embryos storage vats of humanoids in various stages of development.  Also on level 7 are the production areas for humanoids and vats containing animal and humanoid body parts.]
              Level 7 is where human children and adults are stored as a source of biological materials... Humans have been seen stored in clear cylindrical containers over 6 feet in height, suspended in a yellow or amber fluid - alive and conscious but unable to scream or say a word - a common observation in this installation as well as some of the other 26 installations in the Midwestern U.S.  In the same area, at Level 7, is the production areas for humanoids, the vats containing animal and humanoid body parts...
Thomas C., who worked at the Dulce Base, stated: "I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help.  We were told that they were hopelessly insane, and were involved in high risk drug tests to cure insanity.  We were told never to speak to them at all.  At first, we believed that story."
In 1978, a small group of workers at Dulce discovered the true nature behind the facility and a resistance unit was formed; a resistance unit is a touchy thing in a base that was estimated in 1978 to have a population which included over 18,000 alien beings.  By late 1979, the situation led to a confrontation over the Flash tube weapons that U.S. government and alien security forces carried.  A lot of humans were killed.  A total of 44 scientists and 66 members of the NRO's Delta Security team were among the casualties.