Darlings, how like Bitsy to send you to the wrong place for the Mardi Gras Celebration. Click on the Hurricane below to go to the party!

My name is Daisy and I'm a cat. I'm 18 but I look like I'm 10 thanks to diet, exercise and frequent naps. My mom is the infamouse Madame Alto and she has the best (if not the biggest!) Cat House on the web. Terrific as it is, however, it is NOT good enough for ME which is why I trotted over to Geocities to create my own page - or rather PAGES!
I know you are dying to find out more about me. (Of course you are, darling, you just might not know it!) Come in for a visit. (And DO wipe your paws before you enter.)

(Click on the door to enter. What are you, a d*g or something?)

Since January 4, 1998 sets of paws have entered through this door before you!
Looking for your webring, mon cher? Step right this way!

Update: Daisy went to the Bridge on September 5, 1998. These pages will remain as a tribute to her unique character. Please visit Daisy's Memorial Page and sign her remembrance book. Thank you.

I wear my purple ribbon proudly! You should too! Get involved. Strengthen the laws against animal abuse in your state.

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('cause I have no intention of sharing this one with you!)