I hope in some way to explain what MCS is to people who are not aware of what it is.  I also hope to have made a peaceful place from those of my fellow sufferers.





Commonly encountered toxins list:

I HIGHLY recommend that you go to the Chem-Finder.com site.  Input the chemical name you would like to know more about.  You should  find out everything you want to know and more! 

Dictionary of MSDSs Terms and Abbreviations


MSDS Sheets for Herbicides and fertilizers.


Read the twenty most commonly used chemicals in thirty one fragrance products. 


It is highly recommend that you wear a Medic Alert of some sort.  I am very happy with Medic Alert   They have nice products and their service has been exceptional.












Too Tired?

March is National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month. Learn more about this debilitating condition and related immune disorders, including Epstein-Barr and fibromyalgia.

CFIDS is an illness, and chronic fatigue is a symptom


MCS stands for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, also known as Environmental Illness.  This illness may also be called Sick Building Syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome.  What MCS is not in my opinion is Allergies, Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, nor a Psychological disorder.  A person with MCS may experience these as a result of having MCS, but these are NOT the illness in which keeps them prisoner, they may be secondary symptoms or complications.  

This illness appears to be based on a person's "Total body load."  Each person is different as we all know.  But in more ways than meets the eye.  The Total Load concept has been likened  to a container (the body) being filled up with chemical/toxic exposures until it basically cannot detoxify these toxins properly.  A person's body becomes overburdened and it leads to a myriad of symptoms and Autoimmune Disorders.   When a person with a weakened immune system continues to become exposed to toxic chemicals "The sick get sicker and may eventually die from the resulting actions." as quoted in the book "I was Poisoned by my body by Gloria Gilbère, Ph.D.

The MCS individual may have become sensitized to chemicals in one very big exposure or over time with low level exposures.  Over a period of time if the exposures are not eliminated the body will become "Highly Sensitized" to other toxic substances.  As it appears like the Immune System stays in the hypersensitive/hyperactive mode.  

This illness can be very debilitating. It's cause is not yet known.  Frequent triggers usually include:  

Environmental factors:  indoor air pollution, outdoor air pollution, food preservatives and additives, toxic chemicals, VOC's, noxious fumes, vehicle exhaust, cleaning products, perfumes, scented air fresheners, specific allergens,  hydrocarbons, household gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, sulfur dioxides, mold, mildew, spores,  Formaldehyde, out-gassing from carpets, particle board, polyester fibers, food additives, MSG, fungicides, pesticides,  paints, solvents, construction adhesives, caulk, organophosphates, termiticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, petrochemcials in hygiene products- spray deodorants, soaps, gels etc..       

Symptoms that a person suffering from MCS may encounter: 

  •  Headaches
  •  Fatigue
  •  Light Sensitivity
  •  Tremors- Internal shakiness
  •  Hair Loss
  •  Weight Gain
  •  Sore Throat
  •  Blurred Vision
  •  Brain Fog
  •  Hyperactivity
  •  Insomnia
  •  Loss of smell or heightened sense of smell
  •  Swelling inside mouth
  •  Edema of other body parts such as feet, ankles, hands
  •  Hearing Loss
  •  Numbness or pinching sensation in hands, arms, fingers and extremities
  •  Deformed nails
  •  Chronic Respiratory Infections
  •  Chronic Cough
  •  Muscle Aches
  •  Joint Pain
  •  Itchy red eyes
  •  Eyes product mucous /discharge.  Dry eyes(Blepharitis), swollen eyelids, puffy - black and   blue under eyes
  •  Pharyngitis
  •  Chest Pain
  •  Shallow Breathing
  •  Rapid Breathing
  •  Accelerated Heartbeat
  •  Facial Flushing
  •  Diarrhea
  •  Liver and Spleen pain
  •  Hair loss, loses body and luster
  •  Itchy skin, dry and flaking, lack of moisture or oil
  •  Visual  and spatial Impairment
  •  Loss of energy
  •  Chronic headaches, Migraines and Sinus Headaches
  •  Respiratory problems with Bronchitis and Asthma
  •  Food intolerances, indigestion
  •  Facial pallor
  •  Hives, Eczema, rashes
  •  Vacuities Hypertension
  •  Irregular Pulse
  •  Allergic Rhinitis
  •  Vertigo (Dizziness)
  •  Inner ear infections
  •  Impaired gait
  •  Excess mucous production, stuffy nose, post nasal drip
  •  Voice quality- Raspy
  •  Burning nose
  •  Runny nose
  •  Menstrual Irregularities and problems
  •  Swollen extremities
  •  Nose bleeds 
  •  Vomiting
  •  Weight gain or loss
  •  Blood in urine 
  •  Anxiety or depression
  •  Pain or burning in chest
  •  Low Body Temperature
  •  Sensitivity to cold
  •  Shakiness
  •  Inability to deal with sounds and motion


A person's body must deal with an incredible amount of toxins on a daily basis.  In what ways you ask.   Well here are just a sampling: 

  • The air we breath- both indoor and outdoor
  • The food we eat and the water we drink
  • The clothes we wear
  • Our personal body care rituals / Perfumes...hairsprays, soaps, shampoos etc.
  • The places we work/ Copiers, cleaning products, chemicals...
  • The environment in which we live and sleep.
  • Drugs/medications
  • Mold


  • Air- Our indoor air is filled with toxins.    Such examples are:  The heating and appliances in your home may be a factor if  they use natural gas, oil or propane.  Wood burning stoves and  fireplaces also generate a considerable about of pollutants.  Homes that have allot of particle or pressed board (plywood) in them will be a significant source for offgassing of formaldehyde.  Prefabricated and Mobile Homes have very HIGH emission ratings.  Petrochemicals.   Ultimately chemicals are used in the production of virtually all consumer and industrial goods.  (Foods, cosmetics, medicine, appliances, lumber, fuels, electronic equipment, cleaning products, textiles, paper, plastics and many more types of products.   Virtually everything that is around you has been derived from a chemical.    One problem is that when people think of chemicals they think of solvent like materials and pesticides, things of that nature.  What we fail to think about are the END products of chemicals like furniture, cosmetics, shampoos, TV's and electronic equipment, clothing and bedding. Also our foods, especially store bought as in prepackaged or prepared foods these have food additives, preservatives, hormones, pesticides and antibiotics.  


 Just having cosmetics and cleaning products in your home will expose you to things like.


  • Acetic Acid
  • Acetone
  • Ethylene Glycol


A home that has a Chemically Sensitive individual should not have the following in it:

Any product that has petrochemical components.  You MUST learn to read labels and get rid of the products that have these toxic ingredients.   You must check your soaps, scented candles, hair sprays- especially aerosol and styling gels. (watch for the cans that spray things, they will contain things like Butane and propane!)  Fabric softeners, laundry detergent, cleaning products- especially disinfectants and insecticides-Technically any antibacterial soap is considered a PESTICIDE! Perfume, room air fresheners or deodorizers, most books, newspapers, carbonless copy paper, plastics, moth balls, nail polish and remover, shoe polish, glass cleaner, permanent markers, natural gas, propane, oil and wood burning stoves and fireplaces.   Carpet, particle or pressboard (plywood)  

Remodeling of a home is VERY difficult but it can be done.  They sell special EnviroSafe paints like AFM Safecoat  they come in flat, semi-gloss and enamel.  These paints can be tinted with an EnviroSafe tint.  These are all low to NO VOC (Volatile Organic Compound.)  Each one has it's MSDS sheet available for you to read.    I recommend a great shop called Eco-Clean in Scottsdale, Arizona for all your cleaning, painting and Chemically Sensitive needs.  If you are local they also have a wonderful carpet cleaning service, using NON toxic products.  They also will Ozone items for you. 

AFM offers a complete line of products for the Chemically Sensitive.   Paints, sealers, carpet care products, caulk, stains and finishes, adhesives, protective sealers.  Check out their website for more, be sure to look at the Usage Chart  to see which is the right product for each of your needs. They also sell special sealers like Lock Out or Lock In.  

  • Roughly 10% of petroleum and natural gas we use is funneled into chemical production.
  • The outdoor air we breath is filled with Petrochemicals or Neurotoxic chemicals.

MCS is the reaction to chemicals, often not clearly antibody driven as in people with allergies.  MCS  affects many systems in the body.  

  •  The Immune System
  •  Nervous System
  •  Endocrine System
  •  Autonomic Nervous System. 

It affects the nervous system causing such symptoms such as memory impairment- seems to be primarily with short-term memory.  Inability to concentrate "Brain Fog", learning difficulties- usually I believe with the inability to concentrate and retain the information- due to impaired short-term memory.  


More to come..............................


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