"MCSD Study Group" group project

This site is associated with the Yahoo group www.groups.yahoo.com/MCSD_study_group, the site contains details of the currect group project for that group.

The aim of this project is to practice the skills gained as we go through the Microsoft Teach Yourself Kit for Exam 70-016 (Developing Desktop Applications using Visual C++).

The application to be developed is a modified version of the STUpload sample app that is built through the course of the book. This app is called STUProject.

The modifications to be made on the STUpload app are as follows:

1) The app should be web based. That means like this; The app is created from COM components. You can call these from an application or in a web-page. The idea here is to take the COM components and create a web-page or a group of pages that will provide the application's functionality through pages displayed in a web-browser.

It will not initially be possible to implement this untill later on in the book after the creation of the ActiveX components, so initially STUProject is a SDI app.

2)The app should process real financial data on share prices that is available freely on-line from various on-line financial services organisations. STUProject will convert this data into graphical format and upload it to a central data-base as the STUpload application does.

There are many sources of such information on the internet, one such source is

3) There are a number of other minor changes we could make as we go through the development of STUpload such as the addition of a resizable view, etc. Let's leave deciding what these should be till we get to the individiual labs that deal with the user-interface etc.

Group Synchronisation

Please post any alternative ways that you would design the app or the code to the group.

I will upload a copy of the project workspace to the group's file section after each lab so you can carry on from these if you leave out a few labs.


The order of the labs for the group project follows the order of the labs for STUpload.

Lab 1

So far, in Lab1 , the only difference between STUpload and STUProject is to change the extension name to .txt as this is the type of file that the app will open.

Lab 3

changes to STUpload in lab 3 for the group project are as follows:

                   a) as regular share prices text files contain data all from the same
                   day it is more logical to move the COleDateTime variable from
                   CStockData to CStockDataList (so that we can date each list instead
                   of dating each share price)

                   1) remove all references to the COleDateTime variable from CStockData

                   2) add a COleDateTime variable to CStockDataList

                   b) you will now need an array of CStockDataList objects in the
                   document class to represent the share prices over a number of days.
                  this is accomplished with a CTypedPtrArray MFC collection class that
                   stores an array of pointers to CStockDataList objects.

                   c) the OnDraw() function of the view class is modified to iterate
                   through the collection of CStockDataList pointers and to display
                   their date as well as the list of CStockData objects that they

                   d) the document class constructor is modified to initilialise the
                   CTypedPtrArray with dummy data


                   document class constructor:

                           for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
                           CStockDataList *pCStockDataList = new CStockDataList;
                           pCStockDataList->AddTail( CStockData( _T("AAAWXA"),
                                                              22.33+i ));
                           pCStockDataList->AddTail( CStockData( _T("AAA"),
                                                              23.44+i ));
                           pCStockDataList->AddTail( CStockData( _T("AAI"),
                                                              24.55-i ));
                           pCStockDataList->AddTail( CStockData( _T("AAPWMA"),
                                                              25.66-i ));
                           pCStockDataList->AddTail( CStockData( _T("AAP"),
                                                              26.77+i ));

                           pCStockDataList->m_date = (COleDateTime (1999,4,4+i,0,0,0));


                   view classes OnDraw() function:

                   void CSTUProjectView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
                           CSTUProjectDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();

                           // Save the current state of the device context
                           int nDC = pDC->SaveDC();

                           // Create font for axis labels
                           CFont aFont;

                           if( aFont.
                                   CreateFont( 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                   FF_MODERN, 0 ))

                                   pDC->SelectObject( &aFont );
                                   AfxMessageBox( "Unable to create font" );

                           int numStockDataLists = pDoc->GetNumberStockDataLists();

                           int yCoord=10;

                           for(int i=0;i<numStockDataLists;i++)

                                   const CStockDataList *pointerData = pDoc-

                                   const CStockDataList &pData = *pointerData;

                                   const COleDateTime date = pData.m_date;

                                   CString strDate = (pData.m_date).Format( "%m/%d/%Y" );
                                   pDC->TextOut( 10, yCoord, strDate);

                                   int nTextHeight = pDC->GetTextExtent( "A" ).cy;
                                   yCoord += nTextHeight;
                                   int yPos = yCoord;

                                   POSITION pos = pData.GetHeadPosition();

                                   while( pos )
                                           CStockData sd = pData.GetNext( pos );
                                           pDC->TextOut( 10, yPos, sd.GetAsString() );
                                           yPos += nTextHeight;
                           // Restore the original device context
                           pDC->RestoreDC( nDC );


Lab 4

Lab 4, implementing the user-interface, is the same for this project as it is for the Microsoft application.

This is because the applications only in their internal design but not in their output.

Lab 5

                   Lab 5 implements the display of the app, therefore the only change for Lab 5 is in the OnDraw() function of the view class.

                   Because information on each fund is held in a number of different
                   CStockDataList lists, you have to iterate through the collection of
                   CStockDataLists in order to get all the prices of each fund.

                   The beginning of the OnDraw() function is therefore modified as

                   void CSTUProjectView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)

                           //Create two new temporary arrays to hold
                           //the date of the Stock Data List and the
                           //price of the fund on that date

                           CArray <COleDateTime, COleDateTime> arrDates;
                           CArray <double, double> arrPrices;


                           int nPrices = 0;
                           int yCoord=10;

                           //Get the number of Stock Data Lists that are
                           //held in the typed pointer array in the document class

                           int numStockDataLists = pDoc->GetNumberStockDataLists();

                           //Now loop through the arrays to get the dates and prices
                           //of the current fund

                           for(int k=0;k<numStockDataLists;k++)

                                   const CStockDataList *pointerData = pDoc->GetStockDataList(k);

                                   const CStockDataList &pData = *pointerData;

                                   const COleDateTime date = pData.m_date;

                                   double price = pData.GetPriceOfFund( strCurrentFund);



                           //The rest of the code is the same as the microsoft app
                           //with the substitution of the price and date arrays
                           //for the CStockData array in the microsoft code

Lab 6
                   getting the group project data serialized proved to be a little
                   tricky. the problem is like this:

                   the data in this application is held in an array of CList derived

                   each CList represents the closing prices of one day.

                   in order to identify which day the prices refer to, a COleDateTime
                   variable is added to the CList lists.


                   you can serialize a CList of simple data types using the
                   CList::Serialize() member function

                   CList::Serialize() calls CList::SerializeElements() to serialize all
                   the elements of the list.

                   furthermore, if the CList is comprised of complex data types then can
                   write your own version of the SerializeElements() function using the
                   function template.

                   template <> void AFXAPI SerializeElements <CMyClass>
                        (CArchive& ar, CMyClass * pNewMC, int nCount)
                        for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++, pNewMC++)
                             // Serialize each CMyClass object

                   now, what happens when not only is the CList comprised of complex
                   data types, as it is in the group project application, but it also
                   contains an additional variable that has to be serialized?

                   the COleDateTime variable can not be serialized using the
                   SerializeElements() template because, in the template, you have to
                   follow the template signature and you cannot pass in any additional
                   variables other than the type of object that is held in the list.

                   you could change the data structure of the application and, instead
                   of having the COleDateTime object as a member of the CList, instead
                   create a CObject derived object that would have the CList and the
                   COleDateTime objects as members variables. you could then serialize
                   the CList and COleDateTime variables seperately.

                   however doing this would require re-designing the entire app.

Lab 7

                   changes to the STUProject for lab 7 - adding database support are as

                   1) the SQL database is comprised of one table. the primary key for
                   this table is the fund name, the other columns contain the closing
                   prices. (this table is available for download from the group project

                   2) as a result, the query string in
                   changes to:

                                   CString fromdate;
                                   fromdate = aQDlg.m_fromdate.Format("%Y%m%d" );
                                   // Construct query
                                   CString strQuery = "select fund, [";
                                   strQuery += fromdate;
                                   strQuery += "] from tblClosingPrices;";

                   - this returns all the closing prices for the date selected.

                   this enables you to check for duplicate data from the same date
                   before uploading data to the central data-base.

                   3) the query dialog box is also modified to contain only one date-
                   time picker control, as the information returned from the database
                   represents only one date and not a range of dates.

                   4) the ADO data control's record source command text is modified to
                   connect to retreive data from the new database that is constructed
                   from the stockwatch.com's text files.






Lab 7

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