McNeil FFA
Learning To Do, Doing To Learn, Earning To Live, Living To Serve.
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Booster Club
Come To Our Meetings:
1st Tuesday of every month
Next Meeting: August ?, 2006
Sponsor: Larry Vinklarek
Phone Number: 464-6331
Welcome to the website of the McNeil FFA Chapter. The McNeil Chapter, established in 1992, is dedicated to the agriculture education of out youth. The FFA also makes a positive difference in lives of students by developing their potential for PREMIER LEADERSHIP, PERSONAL GROWTH, and CAREER SUCCESS through agriculture education. We hope you enjoy your visit at our site, but please remember that ALL FFA Logos and Images are Copyright of the National FFA Organization and No part of this website may be used without permission, Email us at the link found on members page. Thank you! (Site last updated October 4, 2005)