Hello,  and Welcome to
The Migran McMigran's
Shack of Knowledge.
The purpose of this site is to answer any and all questions you might have.
Simply ask The Migran McMigran your question,  and he will answer it.
The promptness with which The McMigran responds to your questions will depend on the question's difficulty,  and may be anywhere from one day to several decades.  Please forgive the poor layout of this site,  and The McMigran's poor spelling.  You can ask your questions by emailing them to me..I mean him...at
McMigran@hotmail.com. All answers will be posted on this site,  but you can also request to have them emailed to you.  That's pretty much it;  I hope to learn a lot from trying to answer your questions.  Thanks.
Ask Your Question (Email)
We have received and answered three questions.  Please follow the link below to see them.  04/15/01 More questions have been answered,  follow the link below.
04/16/01 We only had one question today.  Link appears below.
04/18/01 One more question is answered (poorly),  and more light is shed on the Grimace   
04/19/01 Three more questions are answered,  and the Grimace situation is finally resolved.
04/20/01 More questions are answered.  Today marks our one-week anniversary.
04/21/01 Only one question today.  The link, as always, appears below. 
             I've added a
game page.
I took a break last week to do some homework, but I'm back now.
04/28/01 Nine questions were answered today. If your question wasn't among them, I'm sorry, I 
             received more questions thatn I thought I would;  I'll get to them all in the next few days.
04/30/01 More question are answered.  If you're using Netscape to view this site, too bad.
05/06/01 Nine more questions are answered, they are on a new page though (pages are sorted by month).  If you question isn't among them, I'm sorry, I'll get to it soon.
05/13/01 More answers appear.
05/26/01 I'm getting lazy, only about 3 questions were answered today, I'll answer another 3 tomorrow.
05/31/01 2 more answers added to the June page, eventhough we're still in May.
06/01/01  One question today, the meaning of life one, followed by more crappy answer.
06/12/01 Is this witty?        (this:  is this witty?)
06/19/01 Two more.
07/05/01 Some quesitons in the July section.
07/18/01 A few more. 
07/24/01  4 Questions dealing with light/color.
07/28/01 I really liked today's question about why 1+1=2.
09/06/01 I've done absolutely nothing for a few months (and I don't just mean in regard to the
site), anyway, some answers appear in the
August page.     
09/10/01 One question is answered in the new September page.   
09/30/01 3 more.
10/12/01 Some new questions (including some "pithy" ones from Kaye) are answered in the October/November section.
11/20/01 A few more.
02/01/02 Ok,  we're back! Sorry for the long absence,  but I....forgot my password....
December2001 page is finally up.
02/02/02 January page is up.  I feel dull,  but I'm hoping that that'll stop soon.
02/16/02  February 2002 page is up, and a correction is made in the january page.
04/26/02  I guess I'm updating the site once every two months now.  Anyway,  four questiones are 'answered' in the new March and April 2002 page. 
Question/Answer Page: April
Q/A:  May
Question/Answer Page: June
Q/A:  July
Koala cub is about as big as a peanut when it's born,  It has no hair and crawls up into its mom's pouch.
Q/a:  August
Q/A:  September
Q/A:  October/November
Q/A:  December
Q/A:  January 2002
Q/A:  February 2002
Q/A:  Mars&April, 2002