[ Mission]


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*** Greek Week Info ***

Inter-Greek Letter Council

Our mission is to be a positive example to the community through wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness and through the development of character inspired by fraternity and sorority life.


The IGLC provides opportunities for members to serve the community. All Fraternities and Sororities take great pride in the projects they undertake and the dedication which they show. Not only do we all come together to serve causes such as Sun Youth, Centraide and War Child Canada. Each individual chapter makes significant contributions to the community on their own as well.

By being in a fraternity or sorority, many opportunities to develop leadership skills are available. This is an excellent arena to develop skills a student feels that he or she needs to work on as well as exercises those skills which have been mastered. Examples of roles that can be taken on a chapter level range from organizing the social activities, the financial activities or even overseeing the chapter as president. The IGLC itself has an executive council as well.

The friendships made within the chapters are based in a strong bond of brotherhood and sisterhood. These friendships will last for the rest of your life. Even when your college days are over, your membership in a Greek organization is something to hold close to your heart. The friends you make here are ones you can learn from and continue to be inspired by for years to come.
On a broader scale, being part of a Greek community opens doors that a student may have otherwise never seen. By meeting people in several faculties with varied interests, one discovers other campus activities such as athletics, academic clubs and social clubs. Fraternity and Sorority members have the opportunity to become very well rounded individuals.

While extracurricular activities do demand an extra time commitment, being surrounded by a group of individuals with similar goals can motivate you. With a strong support system of brothers and sisters, keeping focused can be made easier. Having others to count on does make a difference when it comes to morale. Futhermore, chapters do have a minimum GPA requirement and will help you to attain it by setting goals.

© McGill IGLC

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