Revision photos
Right implant lowered because it was too high and showed up in bras, bikinis and close-fitting tops. Same implant used. Internal & external stitches inserted. Crease incision.
crease incision 1 week post RE-DO 2 weeks post op
RE-DO crease incision, 1 week post. Steristrips covering sutures, and waterproof tape on top.
RE-DO 2 weeks post op
RE-DO right side. 2 weeks post op
RE-DO 3 weeks post
RE-DO right side. 2 weeks post op
RE-DO 3 weeks post
RE-DO 3 weeks post op. Right side.
RE-DO crease scar - stitches out today! Healed well.
RE-DO crease scar - stitches out today! Healed well.
RE-DO 3 weeks post op. Right side.
RE-DO, 9 days post, clothed.
RE-DO, 3 weeks post - view from left.
RE-DO, 9 days post, clothed.
RE-DO, 3 weeks post - view from left.