Welcome to the McElroy Home Page

The McElroy Clan: John McElroy, Teri McElroy, Jonathan McElroy and Chelsea McElroy from Cincinnati, Ohio. (Click the blue text links to see our pictures.)

Jonathan and Chelsea - Chistmas 2001
jonathan chelsea christmas 2001

Hawaii Vacation - Jonathan and Chelsea - January, 2000
jonathan chelsea hawaii january 2000

Pictures and the story from our summer vacation destination – Lakeside, Ohio on Lake Erie.
lakeside yellow cottage

John McElroy:

Hobbies and Interests:

Soccer - click for the "Plaid Mickeys" team home page and the best links for information about professional soccer.

genealogy tree gif

Genealogy - click to see the genealogy family history of the Witham and Bennett families of Essex, England; Saco, Maine; and Withamsville, Ohio going back to the 1500's! UPDATED February, 2000. A copy of my GEDCOM file is also available for download - click here.


Internet surfing links -


osu logo gifI graduated from Ohio State University in Computer and Information Science. Go Bucks! I went to St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati.


pg office twin towersI work at Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati. Some web sites I've worked on -




Old Spice





Cover Girl


Vidal Sassoon


Teri Shook McElroy:

School: Teri graduated from Ohio State University in Art Education. Favorite web site - www.discovery.com.

Jonathan McElroy audio clip:

Age 9. Jonathan's favorite web sites - http://www.starwars.com/ , http://www.livingbooks.com/ and http://www.disney.com/.

Chelsea McElroy:

Age 7. Chelsea's favorite web sites - Elmo's.

Let us know what you think about our page. Send an e-mail to mcelroyjd@yahoo.com.