This page is specifically for any Updates regarding the Website, information pertaining to ASL (or from Mr. Julius), or any other miscellaneous interests.

    Hello! This is Alfieri, and as Moczo will be unable to work on the website, I will be taking over. 

    Anyways, the FIRST thing I plan on doing is transfering from Geocities to Freewebs.  Also, after the transfer is completed, I will set a goal to update the site on at least a weekly basis. 

   To all those graduating, good luck with college! For those remaining, what are you looking at this for!?!? We have a goal *cough* Hawaii *cough* to look forward to! Keep up the studying!

Rock on!

                      -Alfieri (heh, you weren't expecting that, were you?)

Although it helps if you read the plays, nyeh.

Oh, and the quote on the front page is courtesy of Coach Sanford, which I have stolen from him.  It's entirely too amazing and wonderful to be made by me.   Coach Sanford is the man. ... yes.

Of course, the second quote is verbatim from Jeff McCormick and his post at the DemiDec website. Go Jeff go! You are now obligated to bring home a gold medal at States.

Alternating Mondays and Thursdays, 2:30-4:00

Wednesdays 5:30-8:30

Saturdays 9:00-12:00

Special Tuesday Study Sessions to be announced in class!