Anti-Semitism in Europe

The anti-semistist movement throuhgout Europe espescially in France is an outrage to the glory of Europe.  This these random acts of violence towards the Jewish People show how childish in their thinking adults can be when influenced by other people the wrong way.  Reading material without questioning it's authenticity is naive in the sense that you then allow anyone to put radical and incorrect views in your head. Strict examples of this are views like "the killing of children for passover," and, "The Holocaust never happened."  Even the thought that anyone would believe such disturbing and naive material as this, baffles me.  One might ask, "how was this started?"  One of the worst cases of this was the Fuher.  A man and his "legion" led a nation to believe such stupidity, and the cost of his evil and the evil of his followers such as Adolf Eichman, was over 6,000,000 Jewish lives; men, women, and children, sent to unthinkable tortures that in their evil was developed by the 3rd Riech itself. Loaded up like cattle on trains headed for the crematories by the thousands, forced at gunpoint to dig the graves of everyone they love, raped of their culture and social well-being.  That was the life or death at Aushwitz, and all over the German Empire, while the rest of world looked on.  It seems to be growing in Europe again, why? no one person can explain.  The Chosen of God, treated by some as the dirt under their feet, each man will recieve his just reward. Though His people turn from Him as before Mount Zion with Moses, the day will come when they will fulfill the laws of the God of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob, and realize that they must accept his son the Christ, not as the gentiles in their own culture, but purely as Jewish believers in the Passover Lamb Christ, Gods son.  The blindness of His people will end and the days of tribulation will begin.  World, hearken unto God for the day will come when they will say, "Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed.  Then they will begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us, and to the hills, cover us." (Luke 23: 29,30) Fear God, Fear the wrath of the allmighty, for He came as a lamb, now He will come as a roaring lion...