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of drug) and (conc. muscle pictures, women steroids, free bodybuilding diet, steroid dealers, bodybuilding workout, where can i get steroids, steroid alternative, obtaining steroids prescription, steroid user pictures, effects of steroids Obesity lap band. of receptor) refer to the concentrations of free drug and receptor respectively. This number Kd is a constant (always the same) for any given drug, but will vary between drugs of different potencies. This fact allows us to calculate the percentage of receptors occupied if we know Kd and the amount of drug. muscle pictures, women steroids, free bodybuilding diet, steroid dealers, bodybuilding workout, where can i get steroids, steroid alternative, obtaining steroids prescription, steroid user pictures, effects of steroids Xenical pharm. Kd will be expressed in units of concentration, for example, 1 nanogram per liter. More potent drugs have lower Kd values. In our comparison of Drugs A and B where A was 100 times more potent, if Drug A had a Kd value with the receptor of 1 ng/L, then drug B would have a Kd of 100 ng/L: you would need 100 times more of Drug B to get the same effect. muscle pictures, women steroids, free bodybuilding diet, steroid dealers, bodybuilding workout, where can i get steroids, steroid alternative, obtaining steroids prescription, steroid user pictures, effects of steroids Diet to lower triglycerides. What would happen therapeutically if you "stacked" Drug A and Drug B?You can play with the math and you will find that using blends of A and B, where one keeps in mind that B is 100 times less potent and therefore uses 100 mg of it for each unit of A it replaces, that one gets the exact same result regardless of the stacking. Let's say that Drug A comes in 1 mg tablets and Drug B comes in 100 mg tablets. Each tablet therefore gives the same effect. In the case of the simplest type of drug such as these two drugs, the effect is identical whether one uses 10 tabs of A, 10 tabs of B, or 5 tabs of each. The same number of receptors are occupied regardless and the effect is the same. Therefore, stacking these drugs makes about as much sense as stacking two brands of aspirin or two brands of coffee. It is okay if one happens to have both available, but there is no reason to go out and buy the second brand in the hopes that stacking it will give more of a caffeine buzz, or more pain relief. The mixing might make sense if there were a pharmacokinetic difference: perhaps one of the brands of aspirin is time-released and you want both an instant hit for immediate pain relief as well as sustained action. (The sustained action though could be obtained with only the regular brand, simply by taking small amounts frequently. )Application to AASNow the obvious question here is, Is the same type of drug response true with AAS, or aremore complex things going on? Let's say that, used alone, the same effect is obtained from 1 "Deca-unit" of Deca (let's say that a Deca-unit is 400 mg) or from 1 "Dianabol-unit" of Dianabol (let's say that this is 280 mg/week in divided doses every day). If these drugs were as simple in action as Drugs A and B, then the math says that the same result will be obtained regardless of whether one uses one "Deca-unit" of Deca per week, one "Dianabol-unit" of Dianabol per week, or half a unit of each respectively in a stack. This however is not what happens. Using half a Deca-unit and half a Dianabol-unit per week (say 200 mg/week Deca and 20 mg/day Dianabol) gives better gains than using one unit of either alone. This effect is called synergy and results when there is more than one mechanism of action. The above math remains correct for any given receptor but this is saying that there are more things going on in the body than simply binding to one receptor. Aside from this and other practical but well-confirmed observations, there is scientific evidence that this is indeed the case. Scientific Evidence for Multiple Modes of ActionThe first thing to consider is whether or not a single mode of action is sufficient to explain all results, as with the simplest case described for Drugs A and B, or whether data is in conflict with such a model. The equation given earlier allows one, given a measured Kd value, to calculate what percentage of receptors is occupied for a given concentration of drug. The Kd value for testosterone and the androgen receptor (AR) actually is not known with great precision for humans, but is approximately . 44 nmol/L. 1 Free testosterone levels in normal men average approximately . 07 nmol/L. 2,3,4Contrary to previous statements made by me (although those statements had been made in the scientific literature) this indicates that normal testosterone levels are not sufficient to saturate the AR.

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