McBride's History

Glancing through this history provides one with a thumbnail sketch of McBride. So now, when we next engage in a conversation on paratroopers, we will be armed with the knowledge that America's first paratrooper once walked the halls of McBride. What football fan did not bet on the Oakland Raiders in the Super Bowl after learning that Oakland's #34, Gus Otto, was a McBride graduate? And, if anyone should have the audacity to question the moral fiber of a McBride youth, one need only to inform that party that in 1929-30, ninety percent of the McBride's student body carried a rosary, while the following year saw 12,700 communions distributed to students in the first semester alone. These facts should put an end to such questioning.

McBride, the best high school in its time, exists now only in the spirit of its Alumni.

The history shown in these pages was prepared for a 1971 booklet as a tribute to McBride High School. The booklet was reprinted in 1985 by the Alumni club. We thank the students and faculty who participated in this project. Coordinator: Tom Carron '70. Writers: Marv Borgmeyer '71; Pat Clear '69: Wayne Heater '71; Bob Herleth '70; Ned Maniscalco '70; Kevin Pallardy '70; John Ward '70. Special acknowledgement is given to Brother Francis Heyer, who in 1950 compiled the history up to that date.

Our History Pages
 History '25-'39
 History '40-'53
 History '54-'71
McBride High School Alumni - St. Louis, Missouri
 McBride Homepage  McBride's History
 McBride Heroes  History '25-'39
  Officers, Directors, and Class Reps  History '40-'53
 Hall of Fame  History '54-'71