Questions to reflect on as we move forward in efforts towards promotion of healthy development and prevention of risk in Malaysian adolescents

Educational system
How does our education system work in identifying needs of children and adolescents? What structures are there in identifying these needs?
What are the areas in which our education system has focused on in the development of children? How does our education system facilitate healthy development in children? How does it promote psychological well-being? What areas in the education system require improving on in promoting well-being?

Social policies
What are current social policies that are designed with the development of children and adolescents in mind? How are they implemented? How effective are they? Are there social policies that need to be re-looked in regards to their effectiveness? Which are these and why? How do they currently impact on individual and social development? How do they contribute or not contribute towards bridging differences between social groups such as SES groups and racial composition? How do they contribute towards social integration? How do they contribute towards national identity?

Cultural Issues
What are significant cultural issues that impact on child and adolescent development? How much do cultural norms/practices support the well-being of individuals? In what sense could cultural practices/norms here in Malaysia move against the tide of individual psychological well-being? How could one address such cultural practices?

II. Needs of children and adolescents in Malaysia
What are the needs of children in Malaysia? How have these needs changed (if they have) in the past 10 years?

What are the needs of children in Malaysia as they relate to SES? How do their needs differ by SES? What are the patterns of development of these needs in the last 10 years?

By Race
What are the needs of children in Malaysia as they relate to race/ethnicity? How do their needs differ by race/ethnicity? What are the patterns of development of these needs in the last 10 years?

By Family structure
What are current needs of children in Malaysia as they relate to their families? How is the family structure/dynamics changing within the last 10 years? How are these changes impacting upon child and adolescent development?

III. Impact of child & adolescent needs
Impact of these needs on:
Child & adolescent development
How do the current needs of children and adolescents impact upon their development in areas such as:
· social relationships?
· academic achievement?
· behavioral expression?
· psychological well-being?

Family dynamics
How does factors that contribute to needs in children also impact upon family dynamics such as:
· parent-child interaction?
· husband-wife relationship?
· family as available social support?

Social development
How does factors that contribute to needs in children also impact upon social development such as in:
· racial integrity
· SES levels in community – are they narrowing, widening?
· community as providing supportive environment

IV. Measures that can be used in addressing these needs
Available protective factors and resources in society
What are resiliency / protective factors that are available in society such as in:
· schools?
· family?
· community?
· culture?
· social policies?
How do they contribute in building well-being in children and adolescents?
What resources are provided in each of these social arenas that are invested in developing psychological well-being in children and adolescents?

Possible measures that could be introduced to address these needs
What are some possible measures that could be introduced in preserving well-being and preventing psychological problems in children and adolescents?
How would we design such measures? What would we need to take into account? Who would we need to involve? How would we implement such measures? How could we evaluate their effectiveness?

IV. Next Step
How would we want to proceed from here?
If you are interested in having further discussions on this research project, or would be interested in contributing or working together in any particular area of interest, contact us.
Questions for Researchers & Community Leaders