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Week 7


Thursday 04-17-03

:::Sigh:::   Not much new to say this week.  The area of my right cheek that initially broke out so horribly that I didn't even recognize the way my skin felt stayed relatively clear this week, with the exception of a cluster of 4 pustules and a small cyst.  The area directly below that is pretty bad, however - many, many zits.

I still have a lot of plugs on my, chin and on the sides of my cheeks near my eyes.  I even had a huge black spec inside the pinna of my right ear.  I thought it was a freckle or a mole at first, but then scratched out a huge, hard, sprinkle-sized pebble.  And while it was fun, it also left a hole that seemed noticeable from several feet away in the mirror.  :(

My back hasn't really broken out at all since I've started taking Accutane, but I can still feel a bunch of small bumps in certain areas.  I think they're plugs rather than pimples, though. 

I got my first "respectable" nose bleed this week.  Again, it was mild, but it started while I was washing my face rather than picking scabs out of it. 

The skin on my arms was SEVERELY dry this week.  Scaly even, and rough to the touch.  Other areas also seem to be drying out as well. 

I'm still feeling the pain in my Achilles tendons.  I have an appointment with my dermatologist on Tuesday, but I'm afraid to mention stuff like that for fear for being taken off of the medication.   Besides, it's not unbearable - I can handle it.

I've also been sleeping more than I usually do, coming home from work and taking 4 or 5 hour "naps." 

I'm in the midst of a very stressful period at the moment.  On top of having broken it off with my boyfriend [I'm horribly depressed =,( ], I have three papers due within the next 2 weeks, a test tomorrow, and finals coming up!  Vae mihi!

9 Weeks to go!