Curriculum Plan


Unit:     Sections and Acres


Visit the following sites to learn more about land surveying:


1.         What is one method for dividing land in America?


Go to:  Land Survey                  


2.         Explain what the prime meridian is and where it is located.


                                    Go to: prime-meridian


3.         Explain principal meridians and base lines relative to the earth.


Go to: Atlas


4.         Explain guide meridians and standard parallels relative to the earth.


Go to: meridians & parallels


  1. Explain how a township is formed. What is the standard measurement of a township? What is a tier relative to a township? What is a range relative to a township?

Go to: township





 Method of surveying is introduced.

 Discussion of the history of land surveying

Handouts with illustrations of land division are distributed for first lesson. (Dividing land into blocks, townships, and sections Worksheet)



 Dividing land into blocks,                      townships and sections

Concepts discussed this class cover dividing an acre of land into sections. Students will be given a handout and will be required to calculate sections of an acre into units (Sections Worksheet)



Students are given a worksheet on acres to complete.(Acres Worksheet)


 Problem solving- sections and acres

Students are given problems to complete in class and passed in at the end of the period.

(Problem Solving Worksheet)


 Problem-solving Continued

Students are given more problems to solve. The problems are of various levels of difficulty to accommodate the learning differences of students in class.


 Review for Test

Problems are returned from previous class and reviewed for test the following day.



Students are accessed mainly on their mathematical skills ( Sections and Acres Test)


 Review test and discussion

Tests are returned and a discussion on the importance of accurate land division is to property owners, bankers, realtor and builders.



This unit precedes a unit on Tree Mapping and Land Surveying where the Math, Social Studies, Art, and Technology will be a collaborative effort of teaching new concepts. Students will get practical experience in the field observing, experiencing new skills involving land surveying. Field notes will then be used to draw scale models in technology class. In art, the students will design and create makeshift transits to make field observations with. In social studies, students will learn social, economical, and cultural issues concerning land division both from a historical perspective and presently.