
This is in my opinion the best book in the series. It tell the story of the Remillard familly from 1945 to 2013. Told mainly from the viewpoint of Rogatien Remillard (Rogi) it tells of the rise of the Remillard family and also the development of operant metapsychics. It also tells how the Galactic Milieu has watched Earth for thousands of years waiting for Humanity to mature enough to earn membership.

Rogi and his brother Don are both operant metapsychics although their powers are very weak. Rogi is made sterile by a childhood disease but Don has many children. Rogi becomes close to Dons eldest son Dennis and teaches him how to usethe powers that he too has inherited. Dennis grows in power and becomes the most powerful metapsychic on the planet.

I would love to continue with the synopsis but would give away too many spoilers! You will have to trust me when I say that this is a fantastic book! You should read The Saga of the Exiles first though to fully understand the revelation at the end of Intervention.

The Galactic Milieu Trilogy

This is another great series of books. A lot of the questions you will have after the Saga of the Exiles and Intervention will be answered in this trilogy. Once again they are mainly told from Rogis viewpoint as his family grows in numbers and power. Earth has been accepted into the Galactic Milieu and given use of technology and education far surpassing what Humanity had. The Remillard family are at the head of the new political setup but their careers are threatend by a serial killer called Fury that seems to be linked to their family. This also tells of Marcs Metapsychic Rebellion that was mentioned in all the previous books and why Marc decided to challenge the Milieu.

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