One night while at a party some stupid people started running by me. I was like what the hell are you guys doing? they told me some stupid story about small pink men trying to take over there sofa.
while isn't that interesting? No it's not those morones tried to get me to chase them too. later on that evening they yelled I got them!! So I turned around and boy did I feel stupid they really caught two pink men. It was two little homosexual midgets saying they where going to take over the sofa for making nookie. They probably wouldn't be pink if not for the pink bellies raih gave them. 
While about seven years ago a boy was born. Wow said the mother&father his wonderful his parnets thought he was so wonderful they only gave him the best  shoes,toys,and clothes till one day little mikey ask his dad what are friends his father told him someone to talk too really where are mine? while son there come. Ok daddy, so mikey being the cool kid he is went up to the room to wait for his friends. when mikey's dad went up to his room to call him down for dinner he heard mikey talk to some one his father knocked on the door son who are you talking to his son repiles omar. omar who
my friend omar o.k so finally mikey comes down for dinner his father ask wheres omar he left out the window oh will he be back no but i got more friends as he farts and say's hello bob how are you