...good morning, snead's people, the earth says hello...
In Alphabetical Order: Joy and Eric.
Carrie & Jay
Quotes of the Year:
"I'm gonna become a man tonight!"
"Not with me you're not."
Busted! Scandalous!
Return to SP 8
Go Home! That's Your Home! Are You Too Good For Your Home?! Answer me!
Jay, Britney, a fence
Jay and Britney on the lookout for animal cruelty at the National Zoo
James the 3rd
The notorious Jimmy Z. @ Halloween
"Hey it was either this or Martha Stewart"
Crystal, sister of Russ, and some hot broad on the bus to USC vs. UT 2001
A vegan and a carnivorous white guy
Hot Chick spotted by Russ @ UNC vs. CU 2001. He says he got some action from her but he really can't be trusted...

Note To Females: THIS is how you support the team!
"mary carillo?" "noooo!"
Mary and some homo whose head I couldn't quite trim out of the picture.
Arg, There be Snead's People In Dem Der Hills!
Arg, There be Snead's People In Dem Der Hills!