Nine Patch Block:

Mary Bellew


Five 6" Nine Patch Blocks

Cutting Instructions:

From dark fabric, cut 3 strips, 2 ½" wide.

From light fabric, cut 3 strips, 2 ½" wide.


Sewing Instructions:

Sew 2 light strips to 2 dark strips, facing each other.

To one of these new sets, sew a dark strip to the light fabric, making a strip set. This strip set should measure 4 ½".

To one of these new sets, sew a light strip to the dark fabric, making a strip set. This strip set should measure 4 ½" wide.

Press with the iron to the dark on all these sets.

Cut the dark strip set into 10, 2 ½" pieces.

Cut the light strip set into 5, 2 ½" pieces.

Sew the pieces: butting up the opposing seams, one dark piece to one light piece. Then the other dark piece on the other side of the light piece. (The dark should be in all four corners and center).

Press toward the dark always.

These blocks should measure 6 ½" square.





*Be sure all seam allowances are a perfect ¼".