April 2008 - Alas, that it seems I cannot quite let go of the site and feel compelled to add the memorials as they come along.  I've added Brandy - beloved sister of Anastasia who passed at last update. 

June 2007 - I know, long time right?!  well, if you've visited at all you'd see I did dress up the site here and there but as my heart was lost with Sasha the site has just existed as a tribute to her and all of the kits that grace the memorial area.I updated today the memorial area, adding a most beloved Cali Kit Anastasia

November 2005
29 - just a heads up that Friday is back on track :)

October 2005
14-updated Friday's note area - our man is not in good shape and needs your prayers to get better soon.

May 2005
20- revised Sashas Journal, put up Sasha's Memorial area.
19 updated Sashas Journal

January 2005
13- Well what a busy end of the year I had! I apologize for the complete lack of any updates!  New year-back on track!  Updated Sasha's Journal for January, updated the banner with my Tobey, updated his notes on the main page, updated Friday's area and I will be having several additions to the memorial area as soon as I can find some more free time to do them (so stay tuned for those).  Happy 2005 everyone!
On a side note I have had emails asking if the site was gone.  I've not been able to determine the problem- other than a possible link issue with the short cut I had of http://www.clikto.kitskats (think that was it lol) so, I'd suggest updating your bookmarks to reflect http://www.oocities.org/mazie_one to be sure you can get here!

other updates deleted to save space* Sides, like you want to read back though 2004