HTmail has been online since 1997 and was the very first company to start paying member cash for reading email. They are well run and trustworhty company/. Memners can chooose betwen two earning program. The first is for memeber that aren't planning on getting many referrals. Its pay $0.08/email another $0.16 for visiting the advertiser website and filling out a short feedback form  $0.24/email total. This make HTmail the highest paying email company on the net as long as ypu remember the fill out the feedback form. The second program is for membersthat want to refer others. Its pay $0.2/email plus $0.10 for fedback form.($0.12 email total), as well as $0.03/email fpr direct referrals and $0.01/email for second referrals. HTmail recently lauched additonal paid program that allows members to earn $o.o5 for each snail mail regular postal email, they receive as well  $0.01 for each snail mail recieved by referrals.Checks are mailed once members has $10. or more in their account. If they ask for email address your referral when you sign up, please give them

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