My Lame Profile
I am: a good friend to those I love.
I want: to win the lottery.
I have: a mutant cat.
I wish: that I had enough cash to retire.
I hate: mean people.
I miss: my old job.
I fear: being alone
I hear: things that i'm not supposed to.  we call it eavesdropping.
I search: for new things to do and experience
I wonder: what would have happened if i actually studied in school.
I regret: not studying in school
I love: sleeping in.
I ache: when I see someone hurting.
I always: put my seatbelt on.
I dance: whenever I get the chance!
I sing: only in the shower - lucky for all of you!
I cry: when I'm happy, sad, or angry.
I am not always: honest with myself.
I write: as little as possible.
I win: the respect of those i work with.
I lose: my temper when I have to work with stupid people.
I need: to calm down & be more patient.
I should: forgive those who have hurt me and move on with my life.
I hope: that I fulfill my goals & dreams!!
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