Worksheet # 75

aristocrat       Ku Klux Klan    grandfather clause     antebellum     Memphis
New Orleans Tribune    U.S. Grant     1877    Booker T. Washington    resentment

1) Feelings of envy and bitterness when others have something
         better than you: _______.
2) A organization of whites who terrorized and intimidated freed blacks
         in the South: __________.
3) Civil War general and the President after Andrew Johnson: _________.
4) Person who thinks he or she is superior and more deserving because
        of their birth or family: _________.
5) A term meaning "before the war":____________.
6) A African-American scientist and spokesman who started the
        Tuskegee Institute:_________.
7) The first newspaper published by African-Americans (1864):________.
8) Site of a brutal massacre of blacks after the Civil War: ________.
9) The year Reconstruction ended as federal troops left the South and
         no longer protected the rights of blacks: ______.
10) A type of law passed to prevent blacks from voting, while allowing
          poor whites to vote:___________.

Thought Question:  What were some of the successes of Reconstruction?
         What were some of the failures?  

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