Worksheet # 50 Questions                   Home


1st Amendment        George Mason        Magna Carta           Property                  John Locke

8th Amendment                  4th Amendment       2nd Amendment      5th Amendment       10th Amendment


1)  Virginian who, along with James Madison, helped draft the Bill of Rights:___________.

2)  The English document establishing certain rights of Englishmen that the King

           could not infringe:_______________.

3)  The English thinker who said all person are born equal and have as a matter of

            nature certain rights:_______________.

4)  One of the three basic rights which this thinker (3) said society is made to protect:_________.

5)  The provision in the Bill of Rights that guarantees that a person may own a gun:_____________.

6)  The provision in the Bill of Rights that allows a person to not testify when accused

             of a crime:______________.

7)  The provision in the Bill of Rights that prevents the police from ÒunreasonablyÓ

            searching your home or seizing your stuff:_____________.

8)  The provision in the Bill of Rights that guarantees a person may practice his or

             her religion:_______________.

9)  The provision in the Bill of Rights that guarantees that a person will not be subject

             to cruel or unusual punishment:_________________.

10)  The provision in the Bill of Rights reserves all rights not mentioned to the states

             or to the people:___________________.


Thought Question:   What were some of the reasons people said that a Bill of Rights

             was not necessary to protect peopleÕs rights in this Constitution?