Worksheet # 41         Home         Questions         Puzzle         Links         Next





With the final shots fired, Americans had won

A chance to govern themselves, in a land of their own.

Just how would they act?  Just what would they do?

With the English sent packing, with their leadership too. . .


And so men from all states, the best and most able,

Came forth with good will to the bargaining table.

Where they took pains to avoid that Old World tyranny,

And soon struck a deal to foster new harmony.


Where the Whole would be formed by the sum of its Parts

And citizens would stay at home in their hearts.

-- Yes, to their states would all give their foremost loyalty

And be subject no more to any known royalty.


Thus, free from all kings, the new states of the nation

Gladly did sign The Articles of Confederation.

And this new league of states gave to each one a vote

On such matters of war, but we need also to note:


That with no power to tax, or to fund an army,

It could hardly make members its decisions obey.

Indeed, states were free to craft all separate laws

And to coin their own money, which quickly did cause


Great confusion and doubt, prompting many to speak:

ÒOur government, we fear, is really too weak.Ó

And such fears proved true in the most violent of ways

When a rebellion was staged by the man Daniel Shays.


As this farmer turned livid by new taxes he owed:

He attacked Massachusetts . . . and its weaknesses showed!

And soldiers were gathered and forced to step in

To subdue Mister Shays and his disgruntled men.


But with violence set loose and laws not availing,

Many did sense their Articles failing!

Was an edit in order?  A small tweak here or there?

Or would our country require more thorough repair?