Worksheet # 32 Questions                           Home


Sugar Act                Tariff            Bury the Hatchet          Appalachians       Parliament

Patrick Henry        Decree         Mercy Otis Warren           Effigy        Representative


1)  English law that put a tax on sugar, molasses and rum:______________.

2)  Southern writer of plays that made fun of the British and urged colonists

           to resist them:______________.

3)  The group of ministers who make EnglandŐs laws:__________________.

4)  A person selected by a group to express their views and take part in

           governing their affairs:_______________.

5)  A rule or law laid down and insisted on by the words of people in power:___________.

6)  A voice of rebellion who urged others on with his fiery words:______________.

7)  A tax that is put on goods as they are imported (brought into) a country:__________.

8)  A doll or picture that represents a person.  Many were burned in protest against

            English taxes and laws:_____________.

9)  A  range of mountains that runs north-south along the eastern part of

             America, on the west side of the original 13 colonies:______________.

10)  Words spoken by the great Chief Pontiac to tell the world that his tribe

              would fight no more:______________.


Thought Question:  Was Britain unfair in taxing the colonies after The French and

                Indian War?  Explain.