IRELAND                   VS.                       ITALY
A look behind the CASE WAR
     A while back, ricky's brother told him of a nearly impossible feat that only the truely experienced drinker can accomplish.  24 beers in 12 hours.  seems easy enough, 2 beers every hour, no big deal, right?  guess again.  This is one of the hardest things for anyone to do, let alone a bunch of 17 year olds.  So in light of the holiday weekend, Damon LaSalle presented our beloved Ricky NINA Frederickson with such a challenge.  Being the intense drinker that he is, nina could not resist.  The boys came up with rules:  1.  passing out is automatic disqualification.  2.  puking will result in an additional two beer penalty.  Now all that was left was to pick the day, and sunday marked the day that would be remembered forever, IRELAND was facing off against ITALY in a race to drunken glory. Many people said that the drunken irishman was going to destroy damon, and that his italian drinking skills were no match for those of the irishman's.  To some degree they were right, but Damon was set out to prove them wrong.  And thus, the CASE WAR had begun.

Ricky Frederickson believe he has a "the world is shaped like a box" perception of life.  Ricky also beleieves he is prone to great things and ideas that will change the future,.  Rick like to compare himself to the likes of Albert Einstein... "Weezer Probably didn't want to spend so much time recording the commercial" .....they just use the cd rick.
The greatest of finkel's braveheart impressions... "Longshanks was the most rrrruthless king to ever sit on the throne of England.."
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