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Maine Memories Page

*hey, I know I haven't done much updating to this link in a while but I definately want to, so Nick, Louis or Heidi feel free to E-mail me and give me an idea.

              It's My Island!

         It was the first Friday i was in Maine, and the boys had prepared a camping trip out to spectacle island.  So on that night Matt, Louis, Nick, Jake,  Max and two other girls ventured out to the island using Matt's skiff and Tom's boat which was stolen by craig.  all of the finest alcohol was brought out for the occasion.  No one knew the arguing and fighting to come...................
The first of it came when craig was driving people into the Island on Matt's boat and kept crashing it and saying "it's not my boat" to impress the girls.  Matt and Jake then starting flinging hamburgers at him.  Then later in the night World War 2 started between Matt and Max because Matt was making funnier comments.  All night Matt had walked around yelling "It's My Island.  Finally no one let Matt out the tent at the end of the night and he started to annoy people for some odd reason that he doesn't undertsand even today.  The next morning Craig was beating matt with something while Matt was asleep and saying "who's annoying now?".  Matt proceeded to get up and whip craig with a belt.  It was a fine occasion.

         The Bitch They Call Craig

       Good ol' generous Matt had invited Craig Godfrey to stay with him for a whle week up in Maine.  Everything was great, Matt bought him lunch a couple times and it was working out great.  Then craig turned into a homosexual.  He statrted callin Matt princess and little bitch and all kinds of names.  He also treated him like a complete idiot.  The fight on the Island was the last of it and while craig may be sitting back thinking how he got me and maine posse.......he does not know he is missing cd's.....Boo Yah.  Messmer 1 - Godfrey 0

          Messmer Vs. Wyatt 2000

This is the story of the great fued between Matt and Tom.  Although there fued has deep roots, that will be in other stories.  This year it started off with the fish head incident.  After a long days fish, Matt, Craigh, Jake and Tom were cleaning fish on the dock.  While matt was riding in tom's skiff, the engine shut off and Craig through a bloody fish head at him.  While Tom was looking down, Matt through a fishead at him with perfect accuracy.  The bloody mess of a fish hit him smack in the head and tom flipped out.  He then drenched Matt with a hose.  After that Matt volunteered to clean a fish and instead he sprayed Tom and ran away.

           Fun Times in the Audi

      What a wonderful vehicle that beat up Audi was...Besides from scaring me to death going 90 up and down those curvey Southport roads it was a ton of fun.  I must talk about all of those fun trips through town.  We must of yelled the craziest things to all of the tourists from cookie monster to that time I yelled scary rocks.  No one can forget yelling mini-golf rocks and unleaded gas rocks.  I would like to personally thank Nick for drivign my ass around on that island every night.

                 I am the Bomb

       The bomb story maybe the best of all of the Maine stories.  It began three years ago when Tom was first being abused constantly by Matt and others.  He wrote us a letter saying " I am a bomb, when you make fun of me, you light my fuse, after u do it for long enough i explode, I don't know if u can tell, but I cried when i wrote this.  He then choked Matt when Matt was eating gummy bears.

        How all the Maine boys met........

      Matt and Tom:  Matt and Tom met back in the early to mid 90's at the beach.  It had started to rain heavily and the Wyatt's poured into the Messmer's car.  The tow families have been friends since.  Ever since those days on the beach Matt and Tom have been fighting.  There have been times when Louis has had to come and beat up Tom because Matt stepped on his glasses.  Tom even threatened to hit Matt with a stool. 

Matt and Louis:  These two boys met in sailing and have been good buds ever since.  They shared many wonderful years of sailing together and many adventures with Tom.  Louis came to Matt's rescue many times.  One story that I thought I would add about Louis is that he once tried to change gears and eat a fruit pie at the same time and fell of his bike and cars had to stop for him...funny shit.

Matt and Jake:  Matt and Jake's Relationship started out with Matt thinking Jake was a fag because all he did was play videogames.  Eventually they grew into good friends.  Matt and Jake share a love for video games and have heated rivalries in games such as Perfect dark.  Jake has held two drinking parties, and the firs one was the first time Matt drank.  Jake is truly a good man.

Matt and Nick:  Ahhh....Nick is truly a fine fellow.  I first met him this past summer...he came over the first day I was down and I immediately though well of him.  He had been very friendly and we hung out a bunch of times.  We drove around through town in his Audi listenig to the finest of Dr. Dre and shouting at the tourists.  We had some good times seeing movies like The Replacements. 

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