Matt's Home Page - The Future



The Future

Over the next few weeks, I will be adding a guestbook to this site and hopefully a few chat rooms/discussion boards on various topics, (initially sport but hopefully there will eventually be a whole selection on various other topics that interest me such as Linux).

In addition to this, the content will be kept up to date as possible and much more content will be added, providing a far more comprehensive information resource.

The main area that is causing the hold up of these developments is I strongly believe in optimal downloads speeds, thus try to keep the size of my pages to a bare minimum. This isn't is easy as it may first seem so I'm looking into the various facilities available to me and trying to establish which best fits my ideal on web page design. Any suggestions on these areas or how the existing content can be improved would be appreciate so please feel free to contact me via the details available on the "Contact Me" section.

I am also looking for the best deals available for a .com or name to have this site registered properly under it's own domain.  Any advice would be appreciated.


Last Updated 14/08/2001