Top 5 Qbasic RPGs

Okay, the Html is fucking up for me but I don't care I wanna get this page up. It's basicly my top 5 QBrpgs, and why I like/choose them. Simple?

1. Elysian Fields
Pantera55's epic eight colour cutscene and slide show enriched tale of Ash, in persuit of the Wyvern Orbs to stop his world going strait to hell.
The best thing about this game has to be the story, it unfolds in chapters through the game, each one invlovling a new twist of trechary, love or anbandonment. This is also one of the few games with boss battles directly following each other and Gambling.

2. Mysterious Song
Rated 100% in the Qbasic Cult Magazine, this is DarkDreads tale of the age old battle between order and chaos, as relevent now as it ever was. Excellent music, great atmosphere, subtle and well thought out dialog, a work of art.
This game has an excellent story, which unfolds slowly with long gaps between each chapter (something I personally didn't like, but is an important aspect to the game), which contain minimal, but loaded Dialog between the characters. The music is Excellent, really creating and atmosphere and mood. I also love the order/chaos deal, and the dcescribing people as songs.

3. Kids of Karendow
A fucking hilarious and dirty adventure which is the only game I know of which opens with the hero taking a shit. This game is like a cross between final fantasy and south park, with a bit Qb eccentricity thrown in for kicks. I fucking love it.
This game has music which blew me away, and while the graphics are not overly impressive it is the first Qb engine I know of to have the party members follow the main characted instead of walk into him and dissapear. The Dialog is fucking hillarious, with some of the most fucked up quests ever to be scripted (eg. You have to fuck a lumberjack), and the re-occuring jokes have me pissing myself ever time I play it. The only reson this hasn't passed out mysterious song (the story progresses fast in KoK) is because of some annoying bugs in the menue system which really piss me off after a while. But it's not worth getting shirty about, its an ecellent game.

4. The Arc Legassy
Like Elysian Feilds but longer, more detailed, and with a slightly differently progressing story. A little adult (bad language and shit), but nothing anyone I know would be offended at, and theres always the family patch which I will not try, a slightly bugy menue system, and an entirely uneffecient cutscene system, which just adds to its QB charm, some hillarious jokes and circumstances I couldn't stop laughing at and a the promise of a sequal. All its missing is music.

5. Dark Ages
The only QB game to get on a PC gamer demo disk. If you haven't played this you really are ignorent. Really huge, I still come back to it every few months.

Ones that didn't quit make it

Hellpit Trillogy - Really entertaining and addictive

Legends of Lith 1 - Still haven't managed to complete, but really cool game and story

Legends of Lith 2 (DEMO) - My kind of fucked up Art-RPG.

Distant Promises (DEMO) - If Nek ever finishes it.

Untitled - The only reason its not up replacing Dark Ages is because this was only a demo... But it was more like a mini-rpg. The story, the cutscenes, the music... The whole ATMOSPHERE is brilliant, it's definatly the greates RPG demo of all time, and even if the full game is never released this could well be called it and it wouldn't be any sort of a compromise.

I will probably upload all those games for download, but not tonight.