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Amos MacAaron

  • a.k.a. Well, Ruyven the Red, Col, his uncle and the other bandits used other names, but they would not be acceptable to print.
  • Age: 9 or 10 - not sure
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Occupation: Being the best brother he can to Estelle
  • Former Occupations: Go-for (slave) to the bandits and Ruyven the Red
  • Residence: Redil
  • Laran gift and laran training: None
  • Politics: Hates bandits and mean people
  • Personality: Definitely a survivor! Strong will and a make do attitude.
  • Strengths: Thinks on his feet, loyal to what is right, good common sense
  • Weaknesses: Seen too much violence for one so young tends towards expecting the worst.
  • Combat training: No training but has watched men fighting (and women) a lot.
  • Horseback riding: Well enough
  • Appearance: Painfully thin, but is getting more meat on his bones. Sandy hair and brown eyes. Looks younger than he is.
  • Romantic relationships: None
  • Friends: Right now Sorcha, Dahlya, Mariel, Lyssa, and Jack
  • Pets: Has a snow hawk given to him by Lord Auster for Mid-winter fest.
  • Hobbies: Playing cards and hunting with his hawk
  • Other Information: Parents were killed in a fire on their farm (probably set by bandits) when he was very young (2 or 3 years of age). He was the only one to survive. He came under the care of his father's brother, Uncle Gregory who by mismanagement and laziness lost the farm a couple of years later. Gregory met Ruyven in a tavern, and Ruyven offered him a way to get back at the people who took his farm. His uncle joined Ruyven the Red's band of bandits and of course took Amos along. He was made to wait on the men for anything they wanted, and if he didn't then he was beat. Amos became the scapegoat for Ruyven's temper when he had no one else to take it out on. His uncle said he had to put up with it, because it was too hard to raise a child without having a woman. Amos overheard Ruyven discussing with his men attacking the Redil guildhouse, and when an opportunity came up for Amos to escape, he took it. His first stop was the guildhouse to warn the women. He figured maybe they would reward him. When he got to the house the door was open and the kitchen empty of people; however, there was a big basket of food on the table. Amos never had enough to eat and the sight of all that food was too much for him. He took the basket and hid in the shed. The women of the house found him. Amos helped defend the women during the attack over his own safety. Estelle took an oath and named him her brother.

This page was last updated on 18 February 2005

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