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Clinical Uses of Antigen Infused Dialyzable Bovine Colostrum/Whey Extract

Clinical uses wherein antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract has been helpful are as follows: This information is from the booklet, "The Ultimate Nutrient", by Jesse A. Stoff, M.D.

Weakened immune function
Weakened immune function can be clearly demonstrated through blood testing. Blood tests are the foundation of my diagnostic strategy. Using antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) in conjunction with nutritional "fuels", I have been able to activate the immune systems of hundreds and hundreds of people. Most of them were probably beyond help of conventional medicine. If antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) activates NK Cell function in these people, their immune activity begins to improve quickly. As you will note in the studies, over 80% of all the patients I have treated have responded with improved immune function.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
I believe IBS is one of the most misunderstood problems in medicine today. Highly common, this condition has many, many causes. However, two things are generally always factors:

The presence of an infection of some type.
Poor immune function

Both of these factors are well served by supplementation centering on antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10).

Chronic fatigue Syndrome
There are few subjects that I know more about than CFS. Consistently, I have great success bringing these patients back to normal levels of functioning by utilizing a program that centers on antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10). In these patients it is critical to get the immune system going again, and only through improved NK Cell function has that been possible in clinical practice.

Candida Albicans
Much like IBS, several factors have contributed to the problems faced by the individual suffering from a chronic or acute Candida infestation. The only way to successfully control Candida over a long period is with good immune function. I have found that the easiest way to get good immune activity is to get NK Cell function rolling first. Antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) has been critical in my ability to get my patients headed in the right direction in this regard as indicated in the studies.

Arthritis and Rheumatism
The root of these diseases rest not in some spin of the wheel, or pre-destined outcome. In most cases a combination of factors that include injury, low-grade infection and inflammation trigger these common and highly difficult conditions. At the bottom of it all this difficulty lies compromised immune function and low NK Cell activity. Using antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) to begin to rebuild the immune system has been a critical component to my success in treating these conditions.

We are all constantly fighting various kinds of infection. Now that we clearly understand the danger of antibiotics in treating infection we need another option. A well functioning immune system will deal very effectively with infections of all kinds. However, when immune function goes bad our ability to handle infection goes at the same time. I have found nothing more effective at dealing with infection than supplements in combination with antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10). Application of antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) and a sterilizing agent directly to topical infections has been very effective for me, my patients and my children.

Hepatitis C
I recently had a transcription of a case history of one of my patients with Hepatitis C published in the monthly publication, Alternative Medicine. I have good success treating this "incurable disease" using totally natural substances. A cornerstone in this process mentioned in this article is antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10). This disease can be treated, and I am hopeful that the protocols I have developed will reach the mainstream of medicine very soon.

Colds and Flu
See Infection

Here is an affliction that many people suffer from their entire life. This is a condition that benefits greatly from better immune function. The use of antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) is absolutely critical to these patients, and strategies to apply antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) directly to the membranes have been very successful in my practice. Again this is another form of infection at the low-grade level, causing us to think of the problem as something other than which it really is.

Antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) will not cure or directly treat these conditions, but we are all well aware of the compromised immune function of these individuals. Activating the back door of the immune system and turning-on NK Cell function using antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) can only be beneficial in dealing with the myriad of immune system challenges presented by these conditions.

Heart Disease
Only recently has medical science begun to see what immunologists have discussed for a very long time. There is a link between infectious disease and heart disease. There is no vehicle that can help us with infectious disease more effectively than our immune systems. Strong immune function can only be fostered by good health. Antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) has been shown consistantly to supportgood immune system activity and particularly to support NK Cell function. In the future we will learn more about the relationship of infectious disease to heart disease and I am convinced that the immune system will be a key factor.

Lupus is a very troubling disease featuring a malfunction of the immune system. Antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) is an immune modulator. Accordingly, Lupus patients can benefit from its use very significantly. Generally Lupus patients are afraid to use immune systems to solve their problems because they have been educated to believe that the failure of their immune system is because their immune systems are overactive. They would want to slow that activity down. Actually, Lupus patients need to have their immune function modulated. Antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) is very effective in accomplishing this task and I have had good success treating Lupus patients in this manner.

A large percentage of my practice involves cancer patients. They all have low NK Cell function. As Nk Cells are the primary defense system our bodies use to protect us from cancer, this is not a good situation. I have had considerable success in treating cancer patients using natural strategies. Please note the number of remissions in the clinical studies. Since a cancer patient has poor immune function, getting it going again is often very difficult. I have found that using antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) I can often restart their NK Cell function, gain general benefit from what I call the "Spreading " effect and then help them use their own immune system to combat the invading cancer. I am very excited about my success in reactivating the immune system and confident that as time goes by I will find more and more effective ways to treat patients with cancer. However, using antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) will always be a fundamental part of my strategy.

Antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) and aging
As yet there has been no quantitative data collected on the benefits antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) presents in the timeless question of aging. In the constant human search for the fountain of youth we have looked everywhere but within ourselves. We may well have overlooked the source of the power to control or manage aging.

most of us will die as result of disease. nothing will age us faster and destroy the quality of our lives faster than disease. With thoughts in mind, nothing could be done to reduce aging that would be more significant than improving immune system activity, especially improving the activity of the NK Cells.

So when the question of aging and antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) arises from a patient, I have to respond with a very positive "yes". Antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) is a good way to hedge against the effects of aging through the support of the immune system and the benefits derived therefrom.

Antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) and Depression
Research relative to NK cell function is producing more and more information about the relationship of depression and low NK Cell activity. Which is the cause and which is the effect? I suspect that depression is often associated with the deterioration of the immune system. The brain is sending a very loaded message about the condition of the immune system and we recognize that feeling as depression.

Like the common cold is the immune system's way of cleansing itself and building new supplies for the future, depression may well be a message of far greater importance than a cold. I always recommend that all my patients use antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) daily. For those suffering from depression with no other symptoms, the daily use of antigen infused dialyzable bovine colostrum/whey extract (Ai/E10) would always seem very appropriate as an adjunctive therapy.

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