Math With Hodge

General Announcements
Class Policies
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Recommended Links

Last updated: June 1, 2007

Summer School applications are available in the office and it will be held at Northgate. Students should sign up now! I am retiring in June and will be available to tutor (for a fee) beginning this summer. Please e-mail me at the hotmail website mentioned below.General Announcements: Start making study cards as you go through each chapter so you will have them ready to use when you study for your second semster final.

Students your grades are on-line and make sure you look at second semester grades. Your second semester grade will be calculated by weighting the QIV grade as 80% and the final as 20%.

Parents and students:  Please be aware that the key to success in my class to to DO ALL THE HOMEWORK


  The grade marked on the report card is a progress report giving you an indication of where your semester grade seems to be heading.   Grades continue through the semester, counting for 80% of the semester grade, and the final exam counts for the remaining 20% of the semester grade.  The only grades recorded on  high school transcripts are semester grades. Please note that my AIMS class has a completely different grading scale as no homework is assigned; sixty percent of the grade is based on various class activities and forty percent on tests.

For specific announcements for each  class,  click on the course name above.

Homework is the key to success in my math classes.  Attempting every homework problem and correcting the incorrect ones is essential. Homework is graded two different ways.  First I will randomly look at homework assignments to make sure that students have tried every problem and that they are showing their work.  The second way I grade homework is with a unannounced"Homework Quiz" given approximately every three weeks.  Students will use their homework from the past weeks to take a quiz that has the exact same problems as their homework on it.   Students with thoroughly completed and corrected homework will  get 100% on a homework quiz. 

Homework is the key to success in my math class.

Current grades are listed on My Grade Book.



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Class Policies:
Printable Version

Academic Honesty Policy: Refer to the Academic Honesty Policy in the Student Handbook.
Attendance Policy: If a student is absent the day of a test or quiz, he/she will not be allowed to make it up until he/she return to class with a “legal” or “excuse” admit slip within 72 hours of the absence. Should the absence not be a “legal/excused” or not be cleared within the allotted time, the student will automatically receive a zero. Students are expected to stay current with the class while they are home with a minor illness. (Refer to Attendance Policy in the Student Handbook).
Tardy Policy: Refer to the Tardy Policy in the Student Handbook.
Buddy System: Each student is required to have the phone number or e-mail address of at least two other students. If one of their “buddies” is absent from class, they are to update them.
Grading Policy: Grades are calculated using a weighted average where 80% of the quarter grade is earned on projects/quizzes/tests and the remaining 20 % is earned on homework and classroom participation. A 90% average guarantees an A quarter grade, an 80% earns a B quarter grade, a 70% earns a C and a 60% earns a D grade. The grades are ongoing for the entire semester. The cumulative percentage is weighted as 80% of the semester grade and the final exam makes up the remaining 20% of the semester grade. The semester grade is the only grade that shows up on the high school transcript.
Homework: Homework is assigned nightly. Students must try every problem on each assignment in order to receive credit. Students must show all their work on paper. Doing all homework assignments is a key to success in math. Students are expected to re-do all missed problems and in addition they are asked to preview and review the course content nightly. Homework can take up to one hour each evening. There will be homework quizzes. Please check this site to find assignment sheets for each course and a weekly announcement that indicates the upcoming events for each class.
Notebook: A binder or large portion of a huge binder should be divided into three sections labeled: Assignments, Notes, and “Other”. In addition, each binder is to have a zippered compartment containing an ample supply of pencils. All students must have a calculator and Algebra II students are encouraged to have a TI-83Plus calculator.
Extra Help: Students may obtain teacher help during class, study period, lunch, in the morning or after school (until 3:30 P.M.). 
Conduct: Students are expected to behave in a manner that will not interfere with their education or that of other students. Uncooperative students will be asked to leave the room or will be referred to a vice principal. Repeated disturbances will result in a parent/students/teacher conference.
Highly recommended! Go to: Math At Northgate for the following: Course Outlines, Withdrawal Policy, Parent Guide to Monitor Homework and Grades, Extended Absence Form, Tutor List and the Math Department Grading Rubric.
To reach Beverly Hodge:

Algebra 1:

June 4-June 8

Study days

You will prepare for the final. You will be given a practice standards based final on Thursday June 7th.

Assignment Sheet



no Geometry class this year


Assignment Sheet

Algebra 2:

June 4-June 8

Test and Study

The Chapter 14 Test will be on June 5th/6th. You will review for the the final the rest of the days.

Assignment Sheet


These links will take you away from Math With Hodge.
These are two e-mail addresses you can reach me at.

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By David Lord