
Squaring Tricks
Easy ways for squaring a big number.

Division Tricks
How can you find out whether a given large number is divisible by another number without remainder?

Magic Numbers
Some methods of repeating numbers. This will be interesting for you.

Multiplication Tricks
Easy methods to multiply two given numbers.

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Multiplication Tricks

Multiply by 11

The eleven times table has always been very easy to learn up to 9 x 11.
Here's a simple way of multiplying large numbers by 11 too. Let's try.

Write down the first digit.
Add the first and second digits. Write it.
Add the second and third digits. Write it.
Again and again do this.
Write down the last digit.

Example 1 - 425 x 11

First number = 4
4 + 2 = 6. 2 + 5 = 7
Last number = 5
The answer is 4675.

Example 2 - 5890 x 11

First number = 5.
5 + 8 = 13. Now we can't write 13. So, add 1 into 5. Then write down 3.
8 + 9 = 17. Again add 1 into 3. Now it is 4. After that write down 7.
9 + 0 = 9. Then write down last digit. It is 0.
Answer : 64790

Multiply by 111

This is also simple upto 9 x 111. But, after 9!!! Yes, there's a way of multipling numbers by 111 too. The trick is very close to the way of multipling numbers by 11. So, study the examples and try. Maybe you will think this is so hard trick. But, if you learn it good it is not hard.

Here's the trick for two digit numbers.

Write down the first digit.
Then add the first and second digits. Write it two times.
Write down the last digit.

Example 3 - 52 x 111

First number = 5.
5 + 2 = 7. Write it two times.
Last number = 2.
Answer : 5772

Example 4 - 96 x 111

First number = 9.
9 + 6 = 15. Add 1 into the 9 and write down 5.
When we write it on the second time add 1 into the 5 and write down 5 again.
Last number = 6. So, the answer is 10656.

Let's move on to the three digit numbers.

Write down the first digit. Add the first and second digits.
Thne add the first, second and third digits.
Now, add the second and third digits. Write down the last digit.

Example 5 - 256 x 111

First number = 2.
2 + 5 = 7. 2 + 5 + 6 = 13. Now add 1 into the 7 and write down 3.
5 + 6 = 11. Again add 1 into the 3 and write down 1.
Last number = 6. Now your answer should be 28416.

Now, try this trick for multipling numbers by 1111.

9 x 1 to 9 x 10

Now, I'm going to teach you a simple way of multipling numbers by 9 with your fingers.
First, Hold out your hands in front of you. Visualize that your first finger represents 1, the next finger 2, and so on left to right.
To do so, simply put the finger down you wish to multiply by 9.
All fingers to the left of the down finger represent the tens digit of the answer while all fingers to the right represent the ones digit.

Example 6 - 6 x 9

Put the finger representing 6 down. To the left of the down finger, you have 5 fingers up. That's your tens digit 5.
To the right, you have 4 fingers up. There's your ones digit 4.
Put those together and you have your answer: 54.

Example 7 - 10 x 9

Hold down your last finger (10th finger). There's 9 fingers up on the left side. So, the tens digit is 9.
There's no fingers in other side. So, the ones digit is 0. Now the answer is 90. Very easy.

There is a simple way to multiply a number by any number of 9's.

Append 0's to the multiplicand as there 9's in the multiplier.
From this number subtract the multiplicand. The remainder is the answer.

Example 8 - 435 x 99

There's two 9's for 99. So append two 0's into the 435. It is 43500.
Then subtract 435 from 43500. So, the answer is 43065.

Example 9 - 634 x 999

634000 - 634 = 633366