Cooperative Learning Examples
    There is a misconception that many people, teachers and administrators included, have about cooperative learning, which is that it is easy to implement (Ludgren, p. 2). Research does show, that although the concept of cooperative learning is simple, its implementation is complex (Ludgren, p. 2).  Consequently, it is helpful for teachers to have some insight into the types of learning activities that are most conducive to cooperative learning.  The following links will display some examples of cooperative lessons that teachers use across the country.  Included in these examples are activities that are hands-on, real world situations, and interdisciplinary.
Mr. Pitonyak's Pyramid Puzzle
Healthy School Environment
Teachers First-Lesson Resources
Ask Eric Lesson Plans
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    Just as it is important to complete and evaluate individually-based lesson plans, it is extremely important to evaluate cooperative lesson plans.  The links below will bring you to cooperative learning activities that adhere to the things we find are important to a cooperative-based activity.  Activities that are conducive to cooperative learning often include hands-on activities, real world situations, interdisciplinary projects, problem situations, data analysis, and reasoning/proof situations (NCTM, 2000).  These activities allow students to develop their cooperative skills while also preparing them for other real life situations.  For example, "to meet new challenges in work, school, and life, students will have to adapt and extend whatever mathematics they know" (NCTM, 2000, p. 334).  This is incorporated in prolem solving activities where students are confident and willing to take on new tasks by being resourceful, using what they know, and seeking out information to solve problems (NCTM, 2000).  In cooperative learning settings, students will be able to develop these skills in a realistic, collaborative fashion.  Additionally, by allowing students to work on activities that are hands-on, real world, and interdisciplinary, we are preparing them to deal with situations that are as realistic as possible.  We are allowing them to see the connections between school material and reality.  They will be able to see connections between the mathematics that they are learning and actual real life situations that they will face in the future.  Thus, we are enabling them to develop skills that they will use in all areas of life.
Click here to see more information on Cooperative Learning Lesson Plans
Click here to see a brief summary of the sites listed above and why they are conducive to cooperative learning.