Ky! The greates friend alive

Ky my best ever friend.

To start whith we first met by chance in a carpark befor I went to the club "Cafe Nirvana". The first words she said to me was "you look on your own over ther".
Ever since we've come so far together and helped each other and become "ShaKy! Friends for ever".
Well I made this page to show all my apreciation for Ky! And everythin we've been thru
For exapmple:
* Fakes!
* Lies
* Time Apart Wish it nhever had to happen
* Bullying *cough* Greg *cough* lyndz its all ok now :)

I make a pledge not to leave you again and avenge every one that upsets you because your my Ky and i love you loads
ly xxxx