Some views from part of the North Downs, Kent
Part I
Some photos taken during a very energetic walk along some of the North Downs. These gorgeous views look over great parts of central Kent.

The outward-bound part of the walk starts by climbing up to the ridge of the downs. It is a pretty undulating walk from thereon for a while, with some views for miles.

The return part of the walk descends from the Downs, then follows a rather flat route.

I am going to keep the "narration" down to a minimum during some of the gallery, so you can enjoy the views without too many inane comments!!!
Looking back to the start of the walk. A converted oast house is part of the subject.
Starting the climb to the ridge.
...There are some steps down for a while! Most of the walk is up and down like this.
We're there, but...
I'll mainly be quiet for the next few shots! Just enjoy the views.
Looking back to where we've been. Another climb coming!
The next destination. Hollingbourne.
Walking into the picturesque village of Hollingbourne.
An attractive manor in the village...
A former heating system within Hollingbourne Church. If you look to the bottom left of the picture, you'll see a more recent means of heating!
...And, of course, the local Church! I believe the majority of the building dates back to the 13th century.
Next years crops being prepared.
A marvellously converted oast house.
Back to the origin of the walk; a riding school.
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