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If you have problems or would like to recommend a useful site, please contact Shirley Bigna. . Inclusion of a site does not imply endorsement, only that the site was visited and found to have useful information. Content notes have been added only to provide an idea of some special features. These links are checked on a rotating basis to verify that they are still active.
I unfortunately do not have time to respond to such requests. .) Binary Girl (This web site, "where girls and technology click," aims to "share knowledge with those interested in learning more about technology through an interactive community of women. ) Catalyst (Catalyst is a nonprofit organization working to advance women in business and the professions. Its web site offers interesting articles, news, and fact sheets related to its mission, as well as links to related sites.
. ARTSEDGE helps educators to teach in, through and about the arts. During our transition, you may experience intermittent problems with the site. Please know we are working hard to keep these times to a minimum; we appreciate your patience. QUICK LINKS Exploring the Arts mini-sites Duke Ellington Centennial site Meet the Expert.
The old adage 'It'll come out in the wash' rarely works in practice. Lack of planning usually results in unorganized material and plenty of headaches along the way. Information Architecture is the practice of designing the infrastructure of a Web site, specifically the navigation. The title 'Information Architect' has quickly come out of obscurity and become a necessity in the art of web development. While one can go to school to obtain this title, the job can be performed reasonably well by following a certain amount of logic.

A good site site: http://www.nedsite.nl/search/museum.htm
