
Executive Board Pony Express Photos MSCL Minutes

MSCL Minutes
April 14th 2003

This is #5 in a year-long minutes series!! Reporting from Boston, Massachusetts....This trip was successful...Russell, Denis, and I went yard sale-ing--Russell picked up some free unbreakable dishes and I got a TV stand! Yay!!

1) Call to Order:

 Call to order was at 2:10 pm. In attendance: Russell, Tiffany, Lisa, Denis, Viet, Matt, Adam, Mark, Jeff, Janet, Soren, and Ryan

2) Convention:

 Here is a list of what I have in terms of who is going to Convention, and what days everyone is staying. PLEASE EMAIL ME to make a change or to add yourself to this list!!!

Shankar-both Adam-Saturday Tiffany-both Mark-both Matt-both Denis-both Lisa-both Jennifer-Friday Erica-both Jeff-both possibly, but definitely Saturday Amanda-both Tracy-??? (Sarah--could you please try to get Tracy to come?)

Here is the schedule as it currently stands:
2:00-3:00 registration
3:00-4:00 General Assembly 1
4:15-5:15 academic testing; art judging
6-7 dinner
7-8:30 creative contests
7:30-10:30 dance and karaoke/coffee house
7-8 breakfast
7:30-8 acad. tests and creative winners ribbons awarded
8-9 General Assembly 2 and voting
9-9:45 1st workshop and art viewing contest
9-10:30 certamen and oral academics
9-11:30 olympika and spirit games
11:15-11:45 chariot race
12-12:30 toga parade
12:30-2 lunch and General Assembly 3 and final awards

Here are the events I have everyone signed up for (again EMAIL ME to change or add yourself):
-Registration/Art Registration/Art Judging (2-5:45 pm): ALL FRIDAY PEOPLE...PLEASE COME!
-Creative Contest Judging (7-8:30 pm):
Dramatic Interpretation: Lisa, Denis, Jennifer (WE NEED MORE FOR THIS ONE)
English Oratory: Soren, Amanda
Sight Reading: Mark (signs people up/keeps track of time), Russell
Costumes: Tiffany, Viet, Ryan, Erica
-After we get done with the above duties, head over and help out with the dance and coffee house...Mark will be running the karaoke!!!
-Certamen (9-10:30 am): (Janet--don't forget to bring the reference books! :-])
Reader: Denis Buzzers: Russell Timer: Erica Scorer: Tiffany Alternate: Adam
-Olympika (9-11am)
Tennis: Shankar Lisa: swimming Jeff: field stuff

In terms of getting to Convention, Janet can take one or two people and Erica can take a carfull. So get in touch with them, Boston people! Also--Russell will reserve 2 hotel rooms at the UMASS Campus Center hotel...here are the people we are ASSUMING will need to stay there Friday night--Shankar, Tiffany, Mark, Matt, Erica, Jeff, Amanda. If you want to be added to this list (or subtracted from this list), email the officers. In terms of the SCL banquet, it is from 12:30 to 2 pm on Saturday...Janet will check to see if the Cape Cod Lounge is available.

3) Call For Officers:

Be thinking about whether you want to run for office! Voting will take place on Saturday during the SCL banquet. Here are the offices: President, Vice President/Treasurer, Secretary/Historian, Editor, Social Chair, Webmaster.

Jeff came up with a constitutional amendment a few meetings back...Tiffany is going to write it up and bring it to Convention.

4) Treasurer's Report:

I just thought I'd create a section to put that we will soon be getting paid $400 for tests and $200 for certamen questions. Yay, money! :)

5) Adjournment/Next meeting:

The meeting was adjourned around 3:30. The next meeting will be at Convention! See everybody there!!!

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