Welcome to the homepage for the social and educational group of:
Whip Enthusiasts

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Maryland Whip Enthusiasts is a social and educational group for residents of Maryland and the surrounding areas who share an enthusiasm for sport whip cracking. Associated to this organization is a "list serve" style discussion group to facilitate a forum for exchanging information in the areas of purchasing, making, maintaining, and handling all types of whips.

It is with high hopes that our group may become organized enough to hold regularly scheduled meetings for the purposes of practicing, teaching, and learning the art of whip handling, sport whip cracking, and target work.

If you are a resident of Maryland, or the surrounding area, and have an interest in bullwhips, stockwhips, snakewhips, or signal whips then you are encouraged to join "Maryland Whip Enthusiasts" and take part in the exchange of knowledge and information.

This is a group that encourages the participation of all ages and levels of skill. This group especially encourages those who have no experience but hold a curious fascination to join and discover the incredible thrill of sport whip cracking.

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