Power of God's word
‘Read your Bible, and pray everyday,’ these words still ring at the back of my memory. It's not me only but every person born in a Christian family his/her mind is etched with it. Our parents, grandparents, Sunday school teacher all of them make their own efforts to drill this habit into us. As a child I remember singing this song, ‘Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so…’without reading how could I know this. Today, I sit back and ponder…whether I really understood what I sung, then and now.

Many of us reach out for the word of God in times of sorrow, grief, trials, sickness the list is unending but forget in times of happiness and joy. We are the most fortunate ones, firstly to be born as a Christian secondly rather most importantly, we have an easy access to read and meditate upon the word of God. Anyone, who experiences this power of love working in his/her life will undoubtedly show the spill over of His love, hope and peace. He would discover the secret of moving the mountain; his faith in God will be the key to everything. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but power and of love and of sound mind.”-2 Tim 1:7

@ The Bible is an answer book to us. It has all the solutions.
@ The Bible helps us to cleanse us from the pollution of sins. (1 John 1:9, Eph 5:26)
@ The Bible provides us with sword for victory over sins. (John 12:24)
@ The Bible makes our lives fruitful. (Galatians 5:22)
@ The Bible imparts strength. (2 Corinthians 12:19)
@ The Bible discovers sins and convicts us. (Jude 15, Titus 1:9)
@ The Bible instructs us in what we are to do. (2 Tim 3:16)

God loves us and wants us to have life in abundance. The word of God is an inexhaustible powerhouse. The more we read it and absorb it in our attitude the more powerful, power generating house we’ll be for Him. We receive this energy to give to others. Let it be contagious!

Anyone, who surrenders completely at the throne of the Almighty, asks God to take total control of his thoughts, words and deeds, will have this unlimited eternal joy in return.

“The gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of His power.”-Eph 3:7

To obtain the permit from God to be a franchise for being one of his powerhouses we need to take out time to meditate upon His word and to follow it and be a witness. This is the most difficult aspect… to spare time…when today the life is so busy. For some of us 24 hours day is too short. But, my dear, friends God longs or our fellowship even more than we long for His. The word of God gives us a whole new understanding of giving. Offer your life to God and everything you’ve been through i.e. your past, your joys and pains, things yet unseen. Ask Him to use them for his glory. Give Him your days and your praises as a pleasing sacrifice. The works of God will be shown in our life and those associated to us in form of miracles. Let your life be a blessing to others. With God’s word working in our life, we will live victoriously, john 12: 24.

God’s power starts to work in your life when
@ We show our love to someone.
@ Every time we pray for someone.
@ Every time we give.

There is victory for every moment of Christian living through Christ.
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