Martin Woolworth(tm)

One Book Bookstore!

Yes, of course you can buy any book on Amazon or Books-a-million that you'd like to!  But first, try reading a great little book by RHJ  that's called:  It Works


It is only $2.00 plus shipping!  32 pages, very easy to read.

The amazing thing about this book is how simple it is!

No religion, psychology, just 3 basic steps.

No expensive seminars to go to, no tapes to listen to.

Just you and this wonderful book!

Buy and read this book.  You can create your own life on your own terms!

Life is great!

This book will show you the easy way to live triumphantly!

Thank you!

Alex Martin
Martin Woolworth
Scotland, South Dakota

PS  I will be setting up links very shortly so you can buy books either on Amazon or Books-a-million!
