Guess Who's Comin' To Dinner


Here's a list of confirmed family and friends that plan to attend:
If you don't see your picture. . . email it to us.
Lewis Bailey

Lewis aprox. '87

Eric, Rizza & David 2001

Eric Baker
David Baker & Rizza Germonto

Eric & Us '96

Rick Callan
Mellissa Berry
Julie Brafford

Ricky 2000

Mel '94?

Julie 2000
Carrie Bramlett

Cherie Courtade

Merrie Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. William Fair

Lynn, Bill & Friend '99?

Charlse w/ Cousin Lynn Outlaw

Mr. Charles Taylor Enman
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Frankum

Stretch & Gloria 2001
Anna Gingerich

Brian, Charissa, Bret, & Greg 1995

Gregg Hale & Adrian Steinbach
Bret & Charissa Kane
Brian & Vanessa Cain

Vanessa & I 2000
Mr. Jeremy Hrabal & Jennifer Burchfield

Marj Johnson, Jamie Johnson,Rachel Johnson & Stan Powell

Marj drives a car that is not her own! Jamie poses for a Milk Ad, and Rachel and Stan block out the harsh sounds of nature!

Johanna Klingenberger
Lance & Lisa Layman

Lance, Lisa Ellenora & Laopold '99

Rich, Tim, Brian, JMac, Dan '93
Tim Steinouer, Jeff McDonald,
Dan Whiting & Kelly Baker
Fred Meraud

Lt. Fred in 90's

Sandra & Dennis 2000
Dennis and Sandra Parrish  
James Prance
& Melinda Sparks-Prance

Krispy Creme Dough Nuts...2000
Melinda 3rd from Left
Sara Sornson & Kate Sornson

Sara says that it's dessert time, but from the smile on her face, I'd say that Kate has already 'desserted!'
Richard Swim, Sr.
& Joyce Price

Joyce & Rich Sr. '94ish?

Steve & Sarah '97?
Stephen & Sarah Swim
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Thrasher
Bently & Christine Tittle

El Borachon/ Bently Tittle 1999 / Christine (+ 1) 2001

Mindy & Alan's Family 2000
Mr. And Mrs. Alan Tucker

Mr. Andrew Tucker

Mr. And Mrs.
Edward Frank Tucker

Ted Tucker's 2000

Gloria, Me, Dad, West, Mom 2001

Gloria & John 1998?

Travis & I 1996

Rev.& Mrs. John W. Tucker, J. West Tucker, II
John & Gloria Tucker-Hoffman, Travis Hoffman