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Thurgood Marshall was born on July 2 on 1908 in Baltimore Maryland. Thurgood Marshalls fathers name was William Marshall  and his mothers name was Norma Williams. His dad was a Club steward. They religon was Episcopalian and their Ethnicity was African. He married  Vivian Burey in 1929 and married again in 1955 to Cecilia Suyat. During  his lifetime he had two sona. their names were Thurgood Jr. and John Williams.
People that made a
People that made  difference were Lyndon John who appointed Thurgood Marshall for solictor general and John F. Kennedy who appointed Thurgood Marshall for second Supreme Court. His mentor was Charles Hamilton, the first black lawyer to win a case in the Supreme Court.  
Thurgood Marshall's religon was Episcopalian and he was African American. An Episcopalian believes that one God created all things and that Jesus is the son of God.They also believe that Jesus was killed and was ressurected from the dead. They hold Easter as a great celebration during which the church was built band that the "Holy Spirit proceeds from God". They also believe that the Holy Scriptures are the word of God.They believe that God wants them to carry his love and to help those in need. They also believe that God calls them to be caring and thoughtful and forgives them when they don't fololow through.
Thurgood Marshall was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland on Divison street. He graduated from Lincoln University and graduated from Howard law schoool in 1930 and 1933. He became the leader of education and in the Advancement of colered people (NACCP). Thurgood Marshall was enormous help with ending segregation like voting, education,  housing, etc.
Marshall, his 2nd wife, and their 2 sons.
Marshall and his 2nd wife.
Marshall's mom.
Marshall's Dad