Kiera - Amazonis Planitia MC-8

My Kingdom on Planet Mars.
The Name Kiera means:
Mysterious Light of the Sun.
Its Location is pinpointed on the Martian Positioning Grid  between

Latitude                Longitude
15*16;00 N        144*16;00 W
15*18;00 N        144*18;00 W

See Detailed Map of Mars,

Size         : 1 Acre
Location  :  Mars
                  : Amazonis Planitia
Gradivus Hillside
                  : Lycus Sulci
                  : Kingdom of Kiera
Approx. 3010 Km away from
the  Mars Exploration Rover B
Which was Sent by NASA to Gusev Crater January 2004.
Earth Factor - Planetairy View
The Facts tell us that Mars also had a Natural Habitat
a long time ago - which could very likelly have supported Different Kinds of Species. Oceans and Rivers were present some 3,8 Million years ago. Plant life and maybe even forests could have shaped the landscapes in certain regions, although this is still a theoretical possibility because the evidence still has to be found. But NASA and its Mars Exploration Rovers, amongst others, will come up with those answers. Even ESA, the European Space Agency, is developing ways to probe Planet Mars.

. . .

Flag of Kiera ;
-Kingdom of the Sun-

This Deed of Ownership was bought from : TheLunarEmbassy USA
Bought by JDI/Nexus   -   Registration No.  G2M2002

TheLunarEmbassy Registration :

Kiera was a Fertile Region, millions of years Ago. This Ancient Site has changed dramatically in the time past and could yeald fossils which can tell us what happend to this planet. Hopefully we will answer the Question if life existed or still exists on this neighbouring Planet. Could life on Earth have been a result of Cross Pollination caused by a peace of Mars Debris, which travelled through Outerspace after an Asteroid Impact on Mars itself.  Or are the stories true that we came from Mars and are now returning ? Are there Monuments on Mars ? Will we find that answer which will change our understanding of ourselfs as an Evolving Species ?

Martian Map

Click on this image !       to see Kiera - Amazonis Planitia O.M.

Real Estate Claim Of Ownership

Kiera - Amazonis Planitia MC-8
is officially claimed by : Nexus Astronomy Dutchfossils  JDI
Wilbert M.I. Verboekend  The Netherlands - Europe .
Mars Exploration G2M2004 - Artsistic WebDesign TM

This Martian Deed and Martian Constitution Bill of Rights -
are Part of a Research Project Developed by Verboekend.

Nexus DF Claims Ownership since : June 17th 2002
The Solarsystem is Configured in the Following manner :
Sun - Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Asteroid Belt - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Kuiperbelt - Heliosphere - Oort Cloud -

Nexus Registration No.  G2M2002